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Transpiles Deno projects into .js and .d.ts for Node.js.


Writing libraries Deno-first makes it easy to publish to, and simplifies development experience:

Deno […] requires no explicit transpilation step, and ships with 0conf tooling that works well together.

CLI Usage

$ deno run \
  --no-check \
  --unstable  \
  --allow-read \
  --allow-write  \ \

As a by-product of end-to-end testing, Node.js build is also available:

$ npm install --save-dev --save-prefix='~' deno2node
$ deno2node <tsConfigFilePath>

tsconfig.json is used to specify compilerOptions and source files to include.

API reference explains transformations and configuration.

Note: output and diagnostics will change across minor versions.


To use Deno globals not available in Node.js, create and register a file exporting all the shims you need:

// @filename: src/shim.node.ts
export * from "deno.ns";
export * from "node-fetch";
export { default as fetch } from "node-fetch";
// @filename: tsconfig.json
  "deno2node": {
    "shim": "src/shim.node.ts" // path to shim file, relative to tsconfig