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An http/rest api server for deno. Based on std deno http library and use the concept of functional programming for your endpoint definitions.

Basic functionality example

import {
} from "";

const api = new Api({ port: 8080 });

  new Route(EMethod.GET, "/")
    .addPipe(({ response }) => {
      response.body = { message: "Hello API" };

console.log(`Start server localhost:${api.serverConfig.port}`);
await api.listen();


API_ADD_ROUTE (RouteEvent) will trigger before a new route append to api stack. Tip use this as injection hook for your services

BEFORE_ROUTE (RouteEvent) will trigger before execute the current route

BEFORE_REQUEST (RequestEvent) will trigger before a route are detected and before it execute

ROUTE_NOT_FOUND (RequestEvent) will trigger if route not match [404]

ROUTE_ERROR Error on route execute [500] CRITICAL_ERROR Critical error on response execution [500]

More code examples

Add simple route to your api

/** INFO: don't forget route to your Api, see first example **/
new Route(EMethod.GET, '/say-hello')
    .addPipe(({response}) => {
        response.body = {message: 'Hello API'};

Add simple route with multi methods

/** INFO: don't forget route to your Api, see first example **/
new Route([EMethod.GET, EMethod.POST], "/say-hello")
  .addPipe(({ response, request }) => {
    response.body = { message: `Hello API by ${request.method}` };

Use state to pass data between pipes

/** INFO: don't forget route to your Api, see first example **/
new Route(EMethod.GET, "/state")
  .addPipe(({ response, state }) => {
    const before = new Date();
    response.body = { before };
    state.set("called", before);
  .addPipe(({ response, state }) => {
    Object.assign(response.body, {
      passed: state.get("called"),
      done: new Date(),

Throw error to handle by api

/** INFO: don't forget route to your Api, see first example **/
new Route(EMethod.GET, "/error")
  .addPipe(() => {
    throw new RequestError("I dont like", 400);

Key mapped uri with KeyMatch for url params

new Route(
  new KeyMatch(
      id: { type: "number" },
      name: {},
  .addPipe(({ response, match }) => {
    const { params } = match;
    response.body = {
      message: `You call with keymatch`,
      id: params.get("id"),
      name: params.get("name"),

For more details about KeyMatch see API Documentation KeyMatch

API Dokumentation

class Api

Core server class, create an instance for your own api

Similar configuration of deno http service

new Api(config: IServerConfig)

Add new Routes / Entpoints

api.addRoute(route: IRoute)

Start server to listen


class Route

Core route or entpoint defintion for your api.

new Route(method: string[] | string, uri : IMatcher | string)

Add route pipeline

route.addPipe(pipe: IPipe) : Route

Example: Add a stack of pipes

    .addPipe((context: IContext) => { ... })
    .addPipe(async (context: IContext) => { ... })

Tip use deconstruction for select context props

Execute a route pipeline, this will be called by api if route match with uri defintion

route.execute(url: URL, request: ServerRequest, response: IResponse): Promise<IContext>


class UriMatch

Base endpoint matcher for simple definition of uris.

INFO you can use a string for Route definition, the Route will create a simple UriMatch

class KeyMatch

More complex uri definition for your route with transpile your parameters. A KeyMatch can use a transform function to change the type of value

new KeyMatch(uri: string, describe: IKeyDescribes)


new KeyMatch('/get/:id', { id: {} }) => match: /get/1, params: { id: '1' }
new KeyMatch('/get/:id', { id: {} }) => match: /get/hello-my, params: { id: 'hello-my' }

// with transpile type
new KeyMatch('/get/:id', { id: { type: 'number' } }) => match: /get/1, params: { id: 1 }
new KeyMatch('/get/:id', { id: { type: 'number' } }) => not match: /get/hello

// with rest type
new KeyMatch('/get/:path', { path: { type: 'rest' } }) => match /get/super-dup/megaman, params: { path: 'super-dup/megaman' }


A list of EPatternTypes

  • Any for any parameter like string, number and combination
  • Number for float and numbers
  • Int for integer numbers
  • Alpha for alphabetic values
  • Hash for hash values
  • Rest for rest of the url path

Custom methode to define a custom param pattern

Use Property describe to define a IPatternDescribe


new KeyMatch('/get/:p', { 
  p: {
    describe: {
      pattern: '(a-z){1}',
      transform: (v: string) => v.toUpperCase()
}) => will match /get/g, params: { p: 'G' }

Quick test api server

import "";
 * will start server on localhost:8080
 * try all entpoints on example

All presets defined in src/presets

List of presets

Preset API Documentation

All presets defined in src/presets

Pipes presets src/presets/pipes/*


Read body data of request.

Set state body with string data Set state bodyType with the type of data == raw

import rawBodyPipe from "";
  .addPipe(({ state }: IContext) => {
    const anyBody = state.get("body");


Try to parse json data of request body. Otherwise throw 400 error.

Set state body with json data Set state bodyType with the type of data == json

import jsonBodyPipe from "";
  .addPipe(({ state }: IContext) => {
    const validJsonBody = state.get("body");


Redirect pipe with default 302 redirection to your url. Basic implementation to redirect your route.

import redirectPipe from "";

If you want to redirect a dynamic page use any capsule pipe function, like here

import redirectPipe from "";
  .addPipe((context: IContext) => {
    const url = `/test-to-my?set=1`;
    return redirectPipe(url)(context);


Use buildin mocks to create a api request.

Build-In API Documentation

A simple example

import { mockApi } from "";

Deno.test("Example mockApi route success request", async () => {
  const route = new Route("GET", "/hello");

  // create api
  const api = mockApi(route);

  await api.sendByArguments("GET", "/hello");

  assertEquals(api.lastRoute === route, true);
  assertEquals(api?.lastContext?.response.status, 200);

A payload example

import {
} from "";

Deno.test("Example mockApi post request with request data", async () => {
  const route = new Route("POST", "/submit");
    .addPipe(({ state, response }) => {
      response.status = 201;
      response.body = state.get("body");

  const api = mockApi(route);

  const request = mockRequest("POST", "/submit", {
    name: "super",
  await api.sendByRequest(request);

  assertEquals(api.lastRoute === route, true);
  assertEquals(api?.lastContext?.response.status, 201);
  assertEquals(api?.lastContext?.response.body, { name: "super" });

More examples in example/unit-testing.test.ts

Best Practice

Tips and best practice to use this server.

  • Write custom and small pipes to reuse
  • create a custom createRoute function to setup your app or use events to inject services
  • use Route.di / Route.injections to share services and other stuff
  • create factory functions for injections, like getConnection factory to connect to database only if route will execute
  • write test by mock your injections (like mock service for your database connection)
  • use state to pass data between your pipes


See example folder for more use case examples.


route and api testing example and how to use build-in mock functions.

Third party examples are


Use validasaur to validate your json body validasaur


Use djwt to handle and secure your endpoints, a very simple example to customize your process validasaur



info import the plugin to your api main and regist by call the default function.

import plugin from 'PLUGIN.ts'

const api = new Api();
plugin(api, { /* plugin configuration */ })

Swagger json

use plugins/swagger, but still in WIP


use plugins/healthcheck add add this plugin like

depricated since 0.6.0 preset/health


use plugins/status to show more details about server status, you can add more details for your endpoint by use body oder the custom handler.

depricated since 0.6.0 preset/status

access-log since 0.6.0

use plugins/status to show all request actions, optional filtering of checks

add-route since 0.6.1

use plugins/add-route to show all route registration by using a custom log handler