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A CLI to setup apps like a Create React App
import { bold, gray, green, red, yellow } from ''import { parse, Args as _Args } from ''import { readZip } from ''
const DEFAULT_REPO = 'alreadyExisted/das-react-template'const DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME = 'master'
interface Args extends _Args { template?: string}
async function cli(): Promise<void> { const args = parse(Deno.args) as Args const applicationName = (args._[0] || DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME) as string
console.log(bold(`Creating a new app in ${green(`${Deno.cwd()}/${applicationName}`)}`)) console.log()
const fullRepoName = args.template || DEFAULT_REPO const versionName = await getLastVersionNameTemplate(fullRepoName)
const [, repoName] = fullRepoName.split('/') const archiveFileName = versionName === DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME ? DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME : `${repoName}-${versionName.slice(1)}` await getTemplateArchive(fullRepoName, versionName, archiveFileName)
await unzipTemplateArchive(archiveFileName, applicationName)
await installDependencies(applicationName)
console.log() console.log(bold(`Success 🤖🤖🤖!!! Created app at ${green(`${Deno.cwd()}/${applicationName}`)}`))}
if (import.meta.main) { cli()}
async function getLastVersionNameTemplate(repoName: string) { console.log(`${gray('[1/6]')} 🔍 Get last version name template...`) try { const response = await fetch(`${repoName}/tags`) const [{ name }] = (await response.json()) as { name: string }[] console.log(`${green('success')} Last version name template is ${yellow(name)}...`) return name } catch { console.log(`${red('fail')} Last version name template not found...`) console.log(`Used ${yellow('master')} by default...`) return 'master' }}
async function getTemplateArchive(fullRepoName: string, versionName: string, archiveFileName: string) { console.log(`${gray('[2/6]')} 🚚 Fetching template archive...`) try { const response = await fetch(`${fullRepoName}/archive/${versionName}.zip`) const body = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer()) await Deno.writeFile(`${archiveFileName}.zip`, body) console.log(`${green('success')} ${yellow(`${archiveFileName}.zip`)} downloaded...`) } catch { console.log(`${red('fail')} Fetching template archive...`) Deno.exit() }}
async function unzipTemplateArchive(archiveFileName: string, applicationName: string) { console.log(`${gray('[3/6]')} 📤 Unzip template...`) const _fileName = `${archiveFileName}.zip` const zip = await readZip(_fileName) await zip.unzip() console.log(`${green('success')} ${yellow(_fileName)} unziped...`) console.log(`${gray('[4/6]')} ✍️ Renaming template...`) await Deno.rename(archiveFileName, applicationName) console.log(`${green('success')} ${yellow(archiveFileName)} renamed to ${yellow(applicationName)}...`) console.log(`${gray('[5/6]')} 🗑 Removing archive template...`) await Deno.remove(_fileName) console.log(`${green('success')} ${yellow(_fileName)} removed...`)}
async function installDependencies(applicationName: string) { console.log(`${gray('[6/6]')} 💿 Install dependencies...`) let isYarn try { await Deno.stat(`${applicationName}/yarn.lock`) isYarn = true } catch { isYarn = false } await exec(['git', 'init'], applicationName) console.log(`${green('success')} Initialized git repo...`) await exec([isYarn ? 'yarn' : 'npm', 'install'], applicationName) console.log(`${green('success')} Dependencies installed...`) await exec(['git', 'add', '.'], applicationName) await exec(['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Init repo'], applicationName)}
async function exec(args: string[], cwd: string) { const proc = await{ cmd: args, cwd }).status()
if (proc.success == false) { Deno.exit(proc.code) }
return proc}