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Access OpenLibrary's API with Deno.
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import { Command } from '../deps.ts';import { getBook } from './util.ts';import { findBook } from './prompt.ts';
const searchCmd = new Command() .description( 'Search for a specific title. If you include the authors name it will help with the results.', ) .action(async (options: unknown, name: string) => { console.log(await findBook(name)); });
const getCmd = new Command() .description('Get a specific book.') .action(async (options: unknown, id: string) => { const book: OpenLibrary.IBook = await getBook(id);
console.log(book); });
await new Command() .name('books') .version('v1.0.2') .description('Search books') .meta('Author', 'Tim Hårek Andreassen <>') .meta('Source', '') .globalOption( '-v, --verbose', 'A more verbose output. (doesn\'t do anything atm)', { collect: true, value: ( value: boolean, previous: number = 0, ) => (value ? previous + 1 : 0), }, ) .command('search <name:string>', searchCmd) .command( 'get <id:string>', getCmd, ) .parse(Deno.args);