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A TypeScript implementation of Deno CLI's module cache
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { isAbsolute, join, normalize } from "./deps.ts";import { DiskCache } from "./disk_cache.ts";import { cacheDir, homeDir } from "./dirs.ts";import { HttpCache } from "./http_cache.ts";import { assert } from "./util.ts";
export class DenoDir { deps: HttpCache; gen: DiskCache; root: string;
constructor(root?: string | URL, readOnly?: boolean) { if (root) { if (root instanceof URL) { root = root.toString(); } if (!isAbsolute(root)) { root = normalize(join(Deno.cwd(), root)); } } else { Deno.permissions.request({ name: "env", variable: "DENO_DIR" }); const dd = Deno.env.get("DENO_DIR"); if (dd) { if (!isAbsolute(dd)) { root = normalize(join(Deno.cwd(), dd)); } else { root = dd; } } else { const cd = cacheDir(); if (cd) { root = join(cd, "deno"); } else { const hd = homeDir(); if (hd) { root = join(hd, ".deno"); } } } } assert(root, "Could not set the Deno root directory"); assert(isAbsolute(root), `The root directory "${root}" is not absolute.`); Deno.permissions.request({ name: "read" }); this.root = root; this.deps = new HttpCache(join(root, "deps"), readOnly); this.gen = new DiskCache(join(root, "gen")); }}