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A TypeScript implementation of Deno CLI's module cache
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { AuthTokens } from "./auth_tokens.ts";import { colors, fromFileUrl, readAll } from "./deps.ts";import type { LoadResponse } from "./deps.ts";import type { HttpCache } from "./http_cache.ts";
/** A setting that determines how the cache is handled for remote dependencies. * * The default is `"use"`. * * - `"only"` - only the cache will be re-used, and any remote modules not in * the cache will error. * - `"use"` - the cache will be used, meaning existing remote files will not be * reloaded. * - `"reloadAll"` - any cached modules will be ignored and their values will be * fetched. * - `string[]` - an array of string specifiers, that if they match the start of * the requested specifier, will be reloaded. */export type CacheSetting = "only" | "reloadAll" | "use" | string[];
function shouldUseCache(cacheSetting: CacheSetting, specifier: URL): boolean { switch (cacheSetting) { case "only": case "use": return true; case "reloadAll": return false; default: { const specifierStr = specifier.toString(); for (const value of cacheSetting) { if (specifierStr.startsWith(value)) { return false; } } return true; } }}
const SUPPORTED_SCHEMES = [ "data:", "blob:", "file:", "http:", "https:",] as const;
type SupportedSchemes = typeof SUPPORTED_SCHEMES[number];
function getValidatedScheme(specifier: URL) { const scheme = specifier.protocol; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any if (!SUPPORTED_SCHEMES.includes(scheme as any)) { throw new TypeError( `Unsupported scheme "${scheme}" for module "${specifier.toString()}". Supported schemes: ${ JSON.stringify(SUPPORTED_SCHEMES) }.`, ); } return scheme as SupportedSchemes;}
export function stripHashbang(value: string): string { return value.startsWith("#!") ? value.slice(value.indexOf("\n")) : value;}
async function fetchLocal(specifier: URL): Promise<LoadResponse | undefined> { const local = fromFileUrl(specifier); if (!local) { throw new TypeError( `Invalid file path.\n Specifier: ${specifier.toString()}`, ); } try { const source = await Deno.readTextFile(local); const content = stripHashbang(source); return { kind: "module", content, specifier: specifier.toString(), }; } catch { // ignoring errors, we will just return undefined }}
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
export class FileFetcher { #allowRemote: boolean; #authTokens: AuthTokens; #cache = new Map<string, LoadResponse>(); #cacheSetting: CacheSetting; #httpCache: HttpCache;
constructor( httpCache: HttpCache, cacheSetting: CacheSetting = "use", allowRemote = true, ) { Deno.permissions.request({ name: "env", variable: "DENO_AUTH_TOKENS" }); this.#authTokens = new AuthTokens(Deno.env.get("DENO_AUTH_TOKENS")); this.#allowRemote = allowRemote; this.#cacheSetting = cacheSetting; this.#httpCache = httpCache; }
async #fetchBlobDataUrl(specifier: URL): Promise<LoadResponse> { const cached = await this.#fetchCached(specifier, 0); if (cached) { return cached; }
if (this.#cacheSetting === "only") { throw new Deno.errors.NotFound( `Specifier not found in cache: "${specifier.toString()}", --cached-only is specified.`, ); }
const response = await fetch(specifier.toString()); const content = await response.text(); const headers: Record<string, string> = {}; for (const [key, value] of response.headers) { headers[key.toLowerCase()] = value; } await this.#httpCache.set(specifier, headers, content); return { kind: "module", specifier: specifier.toString(), headers, content, }; }
async #fetchCached( specifier: URL, redirectLimit: number, ): Promise<LoadResponse | undefined> { if (redirectLimit < 0) { throw new Deno.errors.Http("Too many redirects"); }
const cached = await this.#httpCache.get(specifier); if (!cached) { return undefined; } const [file, headers] = cached; const location = headers["location"]; if (location) { const redirect = new URL(location, specifier); file.close(); return this.#fetchCached(redirect, redirectLimit - 1); } const bytes = await readAll(file); file.close(); const content = decoder.decode(bytes); return { kind: "module", specifier: specifier.toString(), headers, content, }; }
async #fetchRemote( specifier: URL, redirectLimit: number, ): Promise<LoadResponse | undefined> { if (redirectLimit < 0) { throw new Deno.errors.Http("Too many redirects."); }
if (shouldUseCache(this.#cacheSetting, specifier)) { const response = await this.#fetchCached(specifier, redirectLimit); if (response) { return response; } }
if (this.#cacheSetting === "only") { throw new Deno.errors.NotFound( `Specifier not found in cache: "${specifier.toString()}", --cached-only is specified.`, ); }
const requestHeaders = new Headers(); const cached = await this.#httpCache.get(specifier); if (cached) { const [file, cachedHeaders] = cached; file.close(); if (cachedHeaders["etag"]) { requestHeaders.append("if-none-match", cachedHeaders["etag"]); } } const authToken = this.#authTokens.get(specifier); if (authToken) { requestHeaders.append("authorization", authToken); } console.log(`${"Download")} ${specifier.toString()}`); const response = await fetch(specifier.toString(), { headers: requestHeaders, }); if (!response.ok) { if (response.status === 404) { return undefined; } else { throw new Deno.errors.Http(`${response.status} ${response.statusText}`); } } // WHATWG fetch follows redirects automatically, so we will try to // determine if that ocurred and cache the value. if (specifier.toString() !== response.url) { const headers = { "location": response.url }; await this.#httpCache.set(specifier, headers, ""); } const url = new URL(response.url); const content = await response.text(); const headers: Record<string, string> = {}; for (const [key, value] of response.headers) { headers[key.toLowerCase()] = value; } await this.#httpCache.set(url, headers, content); return { kind: "module", specifier: response.url, headers, content, }; }
async fetch(specifier: URL): Promise<LoadResponse | undefined> { const scheme = getValidatedScheme(specifier); const response = this.#cache.get(specifier.toString()); if (response) { return response; } else if (scheme === "file:") { return fetchLocal(specifier); } else if (scheme === "data:" || scheme === "blob:") { const response = await this.#fetchBlobDataUrl(specifier); this.#cache.set(specifier.toString(), response); return response; } else if (!this.#allowRemote) { throw new Deno.errors.PermissionDenied( `A remote specifier was requested: "${specifier.toString()}", but --no-remote is specifier`, ); } else { const response = await this.#fetchRemote(specifier, 10); if (response) { this.#cache.set(specifier.toString(), response); } return response; } }}