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Deno CLI's module cache
// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
interface BearerAuthToken { type: "bearer"; host: string; token: string;}
interface BasicAuthToken { type: "basic"; host: string; username: string; password: string;}
type AuthToken = BearerAuthToken | BasicAuthToken;
export function splitLast( value: string, delimiter: string,): [string, string] { const split = value.split(delimiter); return [split.slice(0, -1).join(delimiter)].concat(split.slice(-1)) as [ string, string, ];}
function tokenAsValue(authToken: AuthToken): string { return authToken.type === "basic" ? `Basic ${btoa(`${authToken.username}:${authToken.password}`)}` : `Bearer ${authToken.token}`;}
export class AuthTokens { #tokens: AuthToken[]; constructor(tokensStr = "") { const tokens: AuthToken[] = []; for (const tokenStr of tokensStr.split(";").filter((s) => s.length > 0)) { if (tokensStr.includes("@")) { const [token, host] = splitLast(tokenStr, "@"); if (token.includes(":")) { const [username, password] = splitLast(token, ":"); tokens.push({ type: "basic", host, username, password }); } else { tokens.push({ type: "bearer", host, token }); } } else { // todo(dsherret): feel like this should error? // deno-lint-ignore no-console console.error("Badly formed auth token discarded."); } } this.#tokens = tokens; }
get(specifier: URL): string | undefined { for (const token of this.#tokens) { if ( { return tokenAsValue(token); } } }}