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import { fail, assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from "";import { Utilities } from "./utilities.ts";import { englishAlphabet } from "";
Deno.test("get random number between min and max value", async (): Promise<void> => { const randomNumberBetween10And100 = Utilities.getRandomArbitrary(10, 100) if (randomNumberBetween10And100 < 10 || randomNumberBetween10And100 > 100) { fail(`A number between 10 and 100 was expected`) } else { console.log(`\n\ncool - ${randomNumberBetween10And100} is a random number between 10 and 100`) }});
Deno.test("get next x dates", async (): Promise<void> => { const arrayWithDates: string[] = Utilities.getNextXDates('2020-03-12', 3)
console.log(JSON.stringify(arrayWithDates)) assertEquals(4, arrayWithDates.length)
Deno.test("get number of days between", async (): Promise<void> => { const result = Utilities.getNumberOfDaysBetween('2020-03-12', '2020-03-13')
console.log(JSON.stringify(result)) assertEquals(1, result)
Deno.test("get number of occurrences in text", async (): Promise<void> => { const result = Utilities.getNumberOfOccurrencesInText('abc', 'fooabcagainabcsomething')
assertEquals(2, result)
Deno.test("replace all occurrences of ... in text", async (): Promise<void> => { const result = Utilities.replaceAllOccurrencesOf('abc', 'fooabcagainabcsomething')
assertEquals('fooagainsomething', result)
Deno.test("shuffle array", async (): Promise<void> => { const unshuffledArray: string[] = englishAlphabet const shuffledArray = Utilities.shuffleArray(unshuffledArray) console.log(unshuffledArray) console.log(shuffledArray) assertNotEquals(unshuffledArray, shuffledArray) assertEquals(shuffledArray.length, unshuffledArray.length)});