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Documentation generator for Deno
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { instantiate } from "./deno_doc_wasm.generated.js";import type { DocNode } from "./types.d.ts";import { createCache } from "jsr:@deno/cache-dir@0.8";import type { CacheSetting, LoadResponse } from "jsr:@deno/graph@0.73";
export type { CacheSetting, LoadResponse } from "jsr:@deno/graph@0.73";
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
export interface DocOptions { /** An optional URL string which provides a location of an import map to be * loaded and used to resolve module specifiers. This should be an absolute * value. * * When a `resolve()` function is also specified, a warning will be issued * and the import map will be used instead of the `resolve()` function. */ importMap?: string; /** Print import map diagnostics. * * @default {true} */ printImportMapDiagnostics?: boolean; /** If `true` include all documentation nodes in the output, included private * (non-exported) nodes. The default is `false`. Use the `declarationKind` * of the `DocNode` to determine if the doc node is private, exported, * imported, or declared. */ includeAll?: boolean; /** * An optional callback that is called with the URL string of the resource to * be loaded and a flag indicating if the module was required dynamically. The * callback should resolve with a `LoadResponse` or `undefined` if the module * is not found. If there are other errors encountered, a rejected promise * should be returned. * * This defaults to a load function which will use `fetch()` and * `Deno.readFile()` to load modules, and requires the appropriate permissions * to function. If the permissions are note available at startup, the default * function will prompt for them. * * @param specifier The URL string of the resource to be loaded and resolved * @param isDynamic A flag that indicates if the module was being loaded * dynamically */ load?( specifier: string, isDynamic?: boolean, cacheSetting?: CacheSetting, checksum?: string, ): Promise<LoadResponse | undefined>; /** An optional callback that allows the default resolution logic of the * module graph to be "overridden". This is intended to allow items like an * import map to be used with the module graph. The callback takes the string * of the module specifier from the referrer and the string URL of the * referrer. The callback then returns a resolved URL string specifier. * * When an `importMap` URL string and this method is specifier, a warning * will be issued and the import map will be used. */ resolve?(specifier: string, referrer: string): string;}
/** * Generate asynchronously an array of documentation nodes for the supplied * module. * * ### Example * * ```ts * import { doc } from ""; * * const entries = await doc(""); * * for (const entry of entries) { * console.log(`name: ${} kind: ${entry.kind}`); * } * ``` * * @param specifier The URL string of the specifier to document * @param options A set of options for generating the documentation * @returns A promise that resolves with an array of documentation nodes */export async function doc( specifier: string, options: DocOptions = {},): Promise<Array<DocNode>> { const { load = createCache().load, includeAll = false, resolve, importMap, printImportMapDiagnostics = true, } = options;
const wasm = await instantiate(); return wasm.doc( specifier, includeAll, (specifier: string, options: { isDynamic: boolean; cacheSetting: CacheSetting; checksum: string | undefined; }) => { return load( specifier, options.isDynamic, options.cacheSetting, options.checksum, ).then((result) => { if (result?.kind === "module") { if (typeof result.content === "string") { result.content = encoder.encode(result.content); } // need to convert to an array for serde_wasm_bindgen to work // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (result as any).content = Array.from(result.content); } return result; }); }, resolve, importMap, printImportMapDiagnostics, );}