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Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
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import { assertEquals } from "";import { dirname, join, basename } from "";import { DOMParser, Element } from "../deno-dom-wasm.ts";
const parser = new DOMParser();const cachedScripts: {[script: string]: string} = {};export type Backend = "wasm" | "native";
export async function run(path: string, root: string, backend: Backend) { const html = await Deno.readTextFile(path); const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html")!; let scripts = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("script")).map(scriptNode => { const scriptElement = scriptNode as Element; let script = scriptElement.getAttribute("src")!; let scriptContents: string;
if (script) { if (script[0] === "/") { script = root + script; } else { script = join(dirname(path), script); }
if (cachedScripts[script]) { scriptContents = cachedScripts[script]; } else { scriptContents = cachedScripts[script] = Deno.readTextFileSync(script); } } else { scriptContents = scriptElement.textContent; }
return scriptContents; });
const workerOptions = { type: "module" } as const; if (backend === "native") { (workerOptions as any).deno = { namespace: true, }; }
const worker = new Worker(new URL("./wpt-runner-worker.ts", import.meta.url).href, workerOptions); worker.postMessage({ backend, html, scripts, });
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { worker.addEventListener("error", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); worker.terminate(); reject(event); });
worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => { worker.terminate(); resolve(); }); });}