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Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
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import { Comment, Node, nodesAndTextNodes, NodeType, Text } from "./node.ts";import { NodeList } from "./node-list.ts";import UtilTypes from "./utils-types.ts";import type { Element } from "./element.ts";import type { HTMLTemplateElement } from "./elements/html-template-element.ts";import type { DocumentFragment } from "./document-fragment.ts";
export function getElementsByClassName( element: any, className: string, search: Node[],): Node[] { for (const child of element.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { const classList = className.trim().split(/\s+/); let matchesCount = 0;
for (const singleClassName of classList) { if ((<Element> child).classList.contains(singleClassName)) { matchesCount++; } }
// ensure that all class names are present if (matchesCount === classList.length) { search.push(child); }
getElementsByClassName(<Element> child, className, search); } }
return search;}
function getOuterHTMLOpeningTag(parentElement: Element) { return "<" + parentElement.localName + getElementAttributesString(parentElement) + ">";}
const voidElements = new Set([ "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr",]);
/** * .innerHTML/.outerHTML implementation without recursion to avoid stack * overflows */export function getOuterOrInnerHtml( parentElement: Element, asOuterHtml: boolean,): string { let outerHTMLOpeningTag = ""; let outerHTMLClosingTag = ""; let innerHTML = "";
if (asOuterHtml) { outerHTMLOpeningTag = getOuterHTMLOpeningTag(parentElement); outerHTMLClosingTag = `</${parentElement.localName}>`;
if (voidElements.has(parentElement.localName)) { return outerHTMLOpeningTag; } }
const initialChildNodes = parentElement.localName === "template" ? (parentElement as HTMLTemplateElement).content.childNodes : parentElement.childNodes; const childNodeDepth = [initialChildNodes]; const indexDepth = [0]; const closingTagDepth = [outerHTMLClosingTag]; let depth = 0;
depthLoop: while (depth > -1) { const child = childNodeDepth[depth][indexDepth[depth]];
if (child) { switch (child.nodeType) { case NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE: { innerHTML += getOuterHTMLOpeningTag(child as Element); const childLocalName = (child as Element).localName;
// Void elements don't have a closing tag nor print innerHTML if (!voidElements.has(childLocalName)) { if (childLocalName === "template") { childNodeDepth.push( (child as HTMLTemplateElement).content.childNodes, ); } else { childNodeDepth.push(child.childNodes); } indexDepth.push(0); closingTagDepth.push(`</${childLocalName}>`); depth++; continue depthLoop; } break; }
case NodeType.COMMENT_NODE: innerHTML += `<!--${(child as Comment).data}-->`; break;
case NodeType.TEXT_NODE: // Special handling for rawtext-like elements. switch ((child.parentNode! as Element).localName) { case "style": case "script": case "xmp": case "iframe": case "noembed": case "noframes": case "plaintext": innerHTML += (child as Text).data; break;
default: // escaping: innerHTML += (child as Text).data .replace(/&/g, "&amp;") .replace(/\xA0/g, "&nbsp;") .replace(/</g, "&lt;") .replace(/>/g, "&gt;"); break; } break; } } else { depth--;
indexDepth.pop(); childNodeDepth.pop(); innerHTML += closingTagDepth.pop(); }
// Go to next child indexDepth[depth]++; }
// If innerHTML is requested then the opening tag should be an empty string return outerHTMLOpeningTag + innerHTML;}
// FIXME: This uses the incorrect .attributes implementation, it// should probably be changed when .attributes is fixedexport function getElementAttributesString( element: Element,): string { let out = "";
for (const attribute of element.getAttributeNames()) { out += ` ${attribute.toLowerCase()}`;
// escaping: out += `="${ element.getAttribute(attribute)! .replace(/&/g, "&amp;") .replace(/\xA0/g, "&nbsp;") .replace(/"/g, "&quot;") }"`; }
return out;}
export function insertBeforeAfter( node: Node, nodes: (Node | string)[], before: boolean,) { const parentNode = node.parentNode!; const mutator = parentNode._getChildNodesMutator(); // Find the previous/next sibling to `node` that isn't in `nodes` before the // nodes in `nodes` are removed from their parents. let viablePrevNextSibling: Node | null = null; { const difference = before ? -1 : +1; for ( let i = mutator.indexOf(node) + difference; 0 <= i && i < parentNode.childNodes.length; i += difference ) { if (!nodes.includes(parentNode.childNodes[i])) { viablePrevNextSibling = parentNode.childNodes[i]; break; } } } nodes = nodesAndTextNodes(nodes, parentNode);
let index; if (viablePrevNextSibling) { index = mutator.indexOf(viablePrevNextSibling) + (before ? 1 : 0); } else { index = before ? 0 : parentNode.childNodes.length; } mutator.splice(index, 0, ...(<Node[]> nodes));}
export function isDocumentFragment(node: Node): node is DocumentFragment { let obj: any = node;
if (!(obj && typeof obj === "object")) { return false; }
while (true) { switch (obj.constructor) { case UtilTypes.DocumentFragment: return true;
case Node: case UtilTypes.Element: return false;
// FIXME: We should probably throw here?
case Object: case null: case undefined: return false;
default: obj = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(obj); } }}
/** * Sets the new parent for the children via _setParent() on all * the child nodes and removes them from the DocumentFragment's * childNode list. * * A helper function for appendChild, etc. It should be called * _after_ the children are already pushed onto the new parent's * childNodes. */export function moveDocumentFragmentChildren( fragment: DocumentFragment, newParent: Node,) { const childCount = fragment.childNodes.length;
for (const child of fragment.childNodes) { child._setParent(newParent); }
const mutator = fragment._getChildNodesMutator(); mutator.splice(0, childCount);}