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Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
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import { Node } from "./node.ts";import { HTMLCollection } from "./html-collection.ts";
const NodeListFakeClass: any = (() => { return class NodeList { constructor() { throw new TypeError("Illegal constructor"); }
static [Symbol.hasInstance](value: any) { return value.constructor === NodeListClass; } };})();
export const nodeListMutatorSym = Symbol();const nodeListCachedMutator = Symbol();
// Array methods that we need for NodeList mutator implementationconst { push, splice, slice, indexOf, filter } = Array.prototype;
// Implementation of a NodeList mutatorclass NodeListMutatorImpl { // There should only ever be one elementView per element. Element views // are basically just the source of HTMLCollections/.children properties // on elements that are always in sync with their .childNodes counterpart. elementViews: any[][] = [];
constructor( public arrayInstance: any[], ) {}
push(...items: any[]) { // Copy the new items to the element view (if any) for (const view of this.elementViews) { for (const item of items) { if (item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {, item); } } }
return, ...items); }
splice(index: number, deleteCount = 0, ...items: any[]) { // Delete and insert new elements in an element view (if any) for (const view of this.elementViews) { const toDelete =, index, index + deleteCount), (item) => item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE, );
const toInsert = items.filter((item) => item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE );
// Find where to start splicing in the element view let elementViewSpliceIndex = -1; for (let idx = index; idx < this.arrayInstance.length; idx++) { const item = this.arrayInstance[idx];
if (item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { elementViewSpliceIndex =, item); break; } }
// If no element is found just do everything at the end // of the view if (elementViewSpliceIndex === -1) { elementViewSpliceIndex = view.length; }
if (toDelete.length) {, elementViewSpliceIndex, toDelete.length); }
// Finally, insert all the found elements, elementViewSpliceIndex, 0, ...toInsert); }
return, index, deleteCount, ...items); }
indexOf(item: any, fromIndex = 0) { return, item, fromIndex); }
indexOfElementsView(item: any, fromIndex = 0) { return, item, fromIndex); }
// Return the elements-only view for this NodeList. Creates one if // it doesn't already exist. elementsView() { let view = this.elementViews[0];
if (!view) { view = new HTMLCollection() as any as any[]; this.elementViews.push(view); view, this.arrayInstance, (item) => item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE, ), ); }
return view; }}
// We define the `NodeList` inside a closure to ensure that its// `.name === "NodeList"` property stays intact, as we need to manipulate// its prototype and completely change its TypeScript-recognized type.const NodeListClass: any = (() => { // @ts-ignore class NodeList extends Array<Node> { forEach( cb: (node: Node, index: number, nodeList: Node[]) => void, thisArg?: unknown, ) { super.forEach(cb, thisArg); }
item(index: number): Node | null { return this[index] ?? null; }
[nodeListMutatorSym]() { const cachedMutator = (this as any)[nodeListCachedMutator];
if (cachedMutator) { return cachedMutator; } else { const cachedMutator = new NodeListMutatorImpl(this); (this as any)[nodeListCachedMutator] = cachedMutator; return cachedMutator; } }
toString() { return "[object NodeList]"; } }
return NodeList;})();
for ( const staticMethod of [ "from", "isArray", "of", ]) { NodeListClass[staticMethod] = undefined;}
for ( const instanceMethod of [ "concat", "copyWithin", "every", "fill", "filter", "find", "findIndex", "flat", "flatMap", "includes", "indexOf", "join", "lastIndexOf", "map", "pop", "push", "reduce", "reduceRight", "reverse", "shift", "slice", "some", "sort", "splice", "toLocaleString", "unshift", ]) { NodeListClass.prototype[instanceMethod] = undefined;}
export interface NodeList { new (): NodeList; readonly [index: number]: Node; readonly length: number; [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<Node>;
item(index: number): Node; forEach( cb: (node: Node, index: number, nodeList: Node[]) => void, thisArg?: NodeList | undefined, ): void; [nodeListMutatorSym](): NodeListMutator;}
export type NodeListPublic = Omit<NodeList, typeof nodeListMutatorSym>;export interface NodeListMutator { push(...nodes: Node[]): number; splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number, ...items: Node[]): Node[]; indexOf(node: Node, fromIndex?: number | undefined): number; indexOfElementsView(node: Node, fromIndex?: number | undefined): number; elementsView(): HTMLCollection;}
export const NodeList = <NodeList> NodeListClass;export const NodeListPublic = <NodeListPublic> NodeListFakeClass;