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import schemas from "./schemas.ts";/** * * @namespace faker.address */class Address { faker: any; f: any; Helpers: any; constructor(faker: any) { this.faker = faker; this.Helpers = faker.helpers; }
/** * Generates random zipcode from format. If format is not specified, the * locale's zip format is used. * * @method faker.address.zipCode * @param {String} format */ zipCode = (format: string) => { // if zip format is not specified, use the zip format defined for the locale if (typeof format === "undefined") { const localeFormat = this.faker.definitions.address.postcode; if (typeof localeFormat === "string") { format = localeFormat; } else { format = this.faker.random.arrayElement(localeFormat); } } return this.Helpers.replaceSymbols(format); };
/** * Generates random zipcode from state abbreviation. If state abbreviation is * not specified, a random zip code is generated according to the locale's zip format. * Only works for locales with postcode_by_state definition. If a locale does not * have a postcode_by_state definition, a random zip code is generated according * to the locale's zip format. * * @method faker.address.zipCodeByState * @param {String} state */ zipCodeByState = (state: string) => { const zipRange = this.faker.definitions.address.postcode_by_state[state]; if (zipRange) { return this.faker.random.number(zipRange); } return this.faker.address.zipCode(); };
/** * Generates a random localized city name. The format string can contain any * method provided by faker wrapped in `{{}}`, e.g. `{{name.firstName}}` in * order to build the city name. * * If no format string is provided one of the following is randomly used: * * * `{{address.cityPrefix}} {{name.firstName}}{{address.citySuffix}}` * * `{{address.cityPrefix}} {{name.firstName}}` * * `{{name.firstName}}{{address.citySuffix}}` * * `{{name.lastName}}{{address.citySuffix}}` * * @method * @param {String} format */ city = (format: number) => { const formats = [ "{{address.cityPrefix}} {{name.firstName}}{{address.citySuffix}}", "{{address.cityPrefix}} {{name.firstName}}", "{{name.firstName}}{{address.citySuffix}}", "{{name.lastName}}{{address.citySuffix}}", ];
if (typeof format !== "number") { format = this.faker.random.number(formats.length - 1); }
return this.faker.fake(formats[format]); };
/** * Return a random localized city prefix * @method faker.address.cityPrefix */ cityPrefix = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.city_prefix, ); };
/** * Return a random localized city suffix * * @method faker.address.citySuffix */ citySuffix = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.city_suffix, ); };
/** * Returns a random localized street name * * @method faker.address.streetName */ streetName = () => { let result; let suffix = this.faker.address.streetSuffix(); if (suffix !== "") { suffix = " " + suffix; }
switch (this.faker.random.number(1)) { case 0: result = + suffix; break; case 1: result = + suffix; break; } return result; };
// // TODO: change all these methods that accept a boolean to instead accept an options hash. // /** * Returns a random localized street address * * @method faker.address.streetAddress * @param {Boolean} useFullAddress */ streetAddress = (useFullAddress: boolean) => { if (useFullAddress === undefined) useFullAddress = false; let address = ""; switch (this.faker.random.number(2)) { case 0: address = this.Helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber("#####") + " " + this.faker.address.streetName(); break; case 1: address = this.Helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber("####") + " " + this.faker.address.streetName(); break; case 2: address = this.Helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber("###") + " " + this.faker.address.streetName(); break; } return useFullAddress ? (address + " " + this.faker.address.secondaryAddress()) : address; };
/** * streetSuffix * * @method faker.address.streetSuffix */ streetSuffix = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.street_suffix, ); };
/** * streetPrefix * * @method faker.address.streetPrefix */ streetPrefix = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.street_prefix, ); };
/** * secondaryAddress * * @method faker.address.secondaryAddress */ secondaryAddress = () => { return this.Helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber(this.faker.random.arrayElement( [ "Apt. ###", "Suite ###", ], )); };
/** * county * * @method faker.address.county */ county = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.county, ); };
/** * country * * @method */ country = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement(, ); };
/** * countryCode * * @method faker.address.countryCode */ countryCode = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.country_code, ); };
/** * state * * @method faker.address.state * @param {Boolean} useAbbr */ state = (useAbbr: boolean) => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.state, ); };
/** * stateAbbr * * @method faker.address.stateAbbr */ stateAbbr = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.state_abbr, ); };
/** * latitude * * @method faker.address.latitude * @param {Double} max default is 90 * @param {Double} min default is -90 * @param {number} precision default is 4 */ latitude = (max: number, min: number, precision: number) => { max = max || 90; min = min || -90; precision = precision || 4;
return this.faker.random.number({ max: max, min: min, precision: parseFloat((0.0).toPrecision(precision) + "1"), }).toFixed(precision); };
/** * longitude * * @method faker.address.longitude * @param {Double} max default is 180 * @param {Double} min default is -180 * @param {number} precision default is 4 */ longitude = (max: number, min: number, precision: number) => { max = max || 180; min = min || -180; precision = precision || 4;
return this.faker.random.number({ max: max, min: min, precision: parseFloat((0.0).toPrecision(precision) + "1"), }).toFixed(precision); };
/** * direction * * @method faker.address.direction * @param {Boolean} useAbbr return direction abbreviation. defaults to false */ direction = (useAbbr: boolean) => { const schema = schemas.direction; if (typeof useAbbr === "undefined" || useAbbr === false) { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.direction, ); } return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.direction_abbr, ); };
/** * cardinal direction * * @method faker.address.cardinalDirection * @param {Boolean} useAbbr return direction abbreviation. defaults to false */ cardinalDirection = (useAbbr: boolean) => { const schema = schemas.cardinalDirection; if (typeof useAbbr === "undefined" || useAbbr === false) { return ( this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.direction.slice(0, 4), ) ); } return ( this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.direction_abbr.slice(0, 4), ) ); };
/** * ordinal direction * * @method faker.address.ordinalDirection * @param {Boolean} useAbbr return direction abbreviation. defaults to false */ ordinalDirection = (useAbbr: boolean) => { const schema = schemas.ordinalDirection; if (typeof useAbbr === "undefined" || useAbbr === false) { return ( this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.direction.slice(4, 8), ) ); } return ( this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.address.direction_abbr.slice(4, 8), ) ); };
nearbyGPSCoordinate = ( coordinate: number[], radius: number, isMetric: boolean, ) => { function randomFloat(min: number, max: number) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } function degreesToRadians(degrees: number) { return degrees * (Math.PI / 180.0); } function radiansToDegrees(radians: number) { return radians * (180.0 / Math.PI); } function kilometersToMiles(miles: number) { return miles * 0.621371; } function coordinateWithOffset( coordinate: number[], bearing: number, distance: number, isMetric: boolean, ) { const R = 6378.137; // Radius of the Earth ( const d = isMetric ? distance : kilometersToMiles(distance); // Distance in km
const lat1 = degreesToRadians(coordinate[0]); // Current lat point converted to radians const lon1 = degreesToRadians(coordinate[1]); // Current long point converted to radians
const lat2 = Math.asin( Math.sin(lat1) * Math.cos(d / R) + Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(d / R) * Math.cos(bearing), );
let lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2( Math.sin(bearing) * Math.sin(d / R) * Math.cos(lat1), Math.cos(d / R) - Math.sin(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2), );
// Keep longitude in range [-180, 180] if (lon2 > degreesToRadians(180)) { lon2 = lon2 - degreesToRadians(360); } else if (lon2 < degreesToRadians(-180)) { lon2 = lon2 + degreesToRadians(360); }
return [radiansToDegrees(lat2), radiansToDegrees(lon2)]; }
// If there is no coordinate, the best we can do is return a random GPS coordinate. if (coordinate === undefined) { return [this.faker.address.latitude(), this.faker.address.longitude()]; } radius = radius || 10.0; isMetric = isMetric || false;
// TODO: implement either a gaussian/uniform distribution of points in cicular region. // Possibly include param to function that allows user to choose between distributions.
// This approach will likely result in a higher density of points near the center. const randomCoord = coordinateWithOffset( coordinate, degreesToRadians(Math.random() * 360.0), radius, isMetric, ); return [randomCoord[0].toFixed(4), randomCoord[1].toFixed(4)]; };}
export { Address };