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Deno port of
import * as random_ua from "../vendor/user-agent.ts";import schemas from "./schemas.ts";
/** * * @namespace faker.internet */class Internet { faker: any; constructor(faker: any) { this.faker = faker; } /** * avatar * * @method faker.internet.avatar */ avatar = () => { const schema = schemas.avatar; return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.internet.avatar_uri, ); };
/** * email * * @method * @param {string} firstName * @param {string} lastName * @param {string} provider */ email = (firstName: string, lastName: string, provider: string) => { const schema =; provider = provider || this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.internet.free_email, ); return this.faker.helpers.slugify( this.faker.internet.userName(firstName, lastName), ) + "@" + provider; };
/** * exampleEmail * * @method faker.internet.exampleEmail * @param {string} firstName * @param {string} lastName */ exampleEmail = (firstName: string, lastName: string) => { const provider = this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.internet.example_email, ); return, lastName, provider); };
/** * userName * * @method faker.internet.userName * @param {string} firstName * @param {string} lastName */ userName = (firstName: string, lastName: string) => { const schema = schemas.userName; let result; firstName = firstName ||; lastName = lastName ||; switch (this.faker.random.number(2)) { case 0: result = firstName + this.faker.random.number(99); break; case 1: result = firstName + this.faker.random.arrayElement([".", "_"]) + lastName; break; case 2: result = firstName + this.faker.random.arrayElement([".", "_"]) + lastName + this.faker.random.number(99); break; } result = result?.toString().replace(/'/g, ""); result = result?.replace(/ /g, ""); return result; };
/** * protocol * * @method faker.internet.protocol */ protocol = () => { const schema = schemas.protocol; const protocols = ["http", "https"]; return this.faker.random.arrayElement(protocols); };
/** * url * * @method faker.internet.url */ url = () => { const schema = schemas.url; return this.faker.internet.protocol() + "://" + this.faker.internet.domainName(); };
/** * domainName * * @method faker.internet.domainName */ domainName = () => { const schema = schemas.domainName; return this.faker.internet.domainWord() + "." + this.faker.internet.domainSuffix(); };
/** * domainSuffix * * @method faker.internet.domainSuffix */ domainSuffix = () => { const schema = schemas.domainSuffix; return this.faker.random.arrayElement( this.faker.definitions.internet.domain_suffix, ); };
/** * domainWord * * @method faker.internet.domainWord */ domainWord = () => { const schema = schemas.domainWord; return[\\~#&*{}/:<>?|\''])/ig, "") .toLowerCase(); };
/** * ip * * @method faker.internet.ip */ ip = () => { const schema = schemas.ip; const randNum = () => { return (this.faker.random.number(255)).toFixed(0); };
const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { result[i] = randNum(); }
return result.join("."); };
/** * ipv6 * * @method faker.internet.ipv6 */ ipv6 = () => { const schema = schemas.ipv6; const randHash = () => { let result = ""; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { result += (this.faker.random.arrayElement( [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", ], )); } return result; };
const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { result[i] = randHash(); } return result.join(":"); };
/** * userAgent * * @method faker.internet.userAgent */ userAgent = () => { const schema = schemas.userAgent; return random_ua.generate(); };
/** * color * * @method faker.internet.color * @param {number} baseRed255 * @param {number} baseGreen255 * @param {number} baseBlue255 */ color = (baseRed255: number, baseGreen255: number, baseBlue255: number) => { const schema = schemas.color; baseRed255 = baseRed255 || 0; baseGreen255 = baseGreen255 || 0; baseBlue255 = baseBlue255 || 0; // based on awesome response : const red = Math.floor((this.faker.random.number(256) + baseRed255) / 2); const green = Math.floor( (this.faker.random.number(256) + baseGreen255) / 2, ); const blue = Math.floor((this.faker.random.number(256) + baseBlue255) / 2); const redStr = red.toString(16); const greenStr = green.toString(16); const blueStr = blue.toString(16); return "#" + (redStr.length === 1 ? "0" : "") + redStr + (greenStr.length === 1 ? "0" : "") + greenStr + (blueStr.length === 1 ? "0" : "") + blueStr; };
/** * mac * * @method faker.internet.mac * @param {string} sep */ mac = (sep: string) => { const schema = schemas.mac; let i, mac = "", validSep = ":";
// if the client passed in a different separator than `:`, // we will use it if it is in the list of acceptable separators (dash or no separator) if (["-", ""].indexOf(sep) !== -1) { validSep = sep; }
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { mac += this.faker.random.number(15).toString(16); if (i % 2 == 1 && i != 11) { mac += validSep; } } return mac; };
/** * password * * @method faker.internet.password * @param {number} len * @param {boolean} memorable * @param {string} pattern * @param {string} prefix */ password = ( len: number, memorable: boolean, pattern: RegExp, prefix: string, ) => { const schema = schemas.password; len = len || 15; if (typeof memorable === "undefined") { memorable = false; } /* * password-generator ( function ) * Copyright(c) 2011-2013 Bermi Ferrer <> * MIT Licensed */ let consonant: RegExp, letter: RegExp, password, vowel: RegExp; letter = /[a-zA-Z]$/; vowel = /[aeiouAEIOU]$/; consonant = /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ]$/; const _password = ( length: number, memorable: boolean, pattern: RegExp, prefix: string, ): string => { let char, n; if (length == null) { length = 10; } if (memorable == null) { memorable = true; } if (pattern == null) { pattern = /\w/; } if (prefix == null) { prefix = ""; } if (prefix.length >= length) { return prefix; } if (memorable) { if (prefix.match(consonant)) { pattern = vowel; } else { pattern = consonant; } } n = this.faker.random.number(94) + 33; char = String.fromCharCode(n); if (memorable) { char = char.toLowerCase(); } if (!char.match(pattern)) { return _password(length, memorable, pattern, prefix); } return _password(length, memorable, pattern, "" + prefix + char); }; return _password(len, memorable, pattern, prefix); };}
export { Internet };