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Deno port of
// generates fake data for many computer systems properties
/** * * @namespace faker.system */class System { faker: any; constructor(faker: any) { this.faker = faker; } /** * generates a file name with extension or optional type * * @method faker.system.fileName * @param {string} ext * @param {string} type */ fileName = (ext: string, type: string) => { let str = this.faker.fake("{{random.words}}.{{system.fileExt}}"); str = str.replace(/ /g, "_"); str = str.replace(/\,/g, "_"); str = str.replace(/\-/g, "_"); str = str.replace(/\\/g, "_"); str = str.replace(/\//g, "_"); str = str.toLowerCase(); return str; };
/** * commonFileName * * @method faker.system.commonFileName * @param {string} ext * @param {string} type */ commonFileName = (ext: string, type: string) => { let str = this.faker.random.words() + "." + (ext || this.faker.system.commonFileExt()); str = str.replace(/ /g, "_"); str = str.replace(/\,/g, "_"); str = str.replace(/\-/g, "_"); str = str.replace(/\\/g, "_"); str = str.replace(/\//g, "_"); str = str.toLowerCase(); return str; };
/** * mimeType * * @method faker.system.mimeType */ mimeType = () => { return this.faker.random.arrayElement( Object.keys(this.faker.definitions.system.mimeTypes), ); };
/** * returns a commonly used file type * * @method faker.system.commonFileType */ commonFileType = () => { const types = ["video", "audio", "image", "text", "application"]; return this.faker.random.arrayElement(types); };
/** * returns a commonly used file extension based on optional type * * @method faker.system.commonFileExt * @param {string} type */ commonFileExt = (type: string) => { const types = [ "application/pdf", "audio/mpeg", "audio/wav", "image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "video/mp4", "video/mpeg", "text/html", ]; return this.faker.system.fileExt(this.faker.random.arrayElement(types)); };
/** * returns any file type available as mime-type * * @method faker.system.fileType */ fileType = () => { const types: string[] = []; const mimes = this.faker.definitions.system.mimeTypes; Object.keys(mimes).forEach(function (m) { const parts = m.split("/"); if (types.indexOf(parts[0]) === -1) { types.push(parts[0]); } }); return this.faker.random.arrayElement(types); };
/** * fileExt * * @method faker.system.fileExt * @param {string} mimeType */ fileExt = (mimeType: string) => { const exts: string[] = []; const mimes = this.faker.definitions.system.mimeTypes;
// get specific ext by mime-type if (typeof mimes[mimeType] === "object") { return this.faker.random.arrayElement(mimes[mimeType].extensions); }
// reduce mime-types to those with file-extensions Object.keys(mimes).forEach(function (m) { if (mimes[m].extensions instanceof Array) { mimes[m].extensions.forEach(function (ext: string) { exts.push(ext); }); } }); return this.faker.random.arrayElement(exts); };
/** * returns directory path * * @method faker.system.directoryPath */ directoryPath = () => { const paths = this.faker.definitions.system.directoryPaths; return this.faker.random.arrayElement(paths); };
/** * returns file path * * @method faker.system.filePath */ filePath = () => { return this.faker.fake("{{system.directoryPath}}/{{system.fileName}}"); };
/** * semver * * @method faker.system.semver */ semver = () => { return [ this.faker.random.number(9), this.faker.random.number(9), this.faker.random.number(9), ].join("."); };}
export { System };