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Deno port of
import { assert, assertEquals, assertStrictEquals,} from "./support/test_deps.ts";import { luhnCheck as luhnFormula } from "./support/test_utils.ts";import ibanLib from "../lib/iban.ts";import { faker } from "../mod.ts";const { test } = Deno;
test({ name: "account(length) should supply a default length if no length is passed", fn() { const account =; const expected = 8; const actual = account.length; assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected default account length is " + expected + " but it was " + actual, ); },});
test({ name: "account(length) should supply a length if a length is passed", fn() { const expected = 9; const account =; const actual = account.length; assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected default account length is " + expected + " but it was " + actual, ); },});
test({ name: "account(length) should supply a default length if a zero is passed", fn() { const expected = 8; const account =; const actual = account.length; assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected default account length is " + expected + " but it was " + actual, ); },});
test({ name: "accountName() should return an account name", fn() { const actual =; assert(actual); },});
test({ name: "routingNumber() should return a routing number", fn() { const actual =; assert(actual); },});
test({ name: "mask(length, parens, ellipsis) should set a default length", fn() { const expected = 4; // default account mask length const mask =, false, false); const actual = mask.length; assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected default mask length is " + expected + " but it was " + actual, ); },});
test({ name: "mask(length, parens, ellipsis) should set a specified length", fn() { let expected = faker.random.number(20); expected = (expected == 0 || !expected || typeof expected == "undefined") ? 4 : expected; const mask =, false, false); const actual = mask.length; // picks 4 if the random number generator picks 0 assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected default mask length is " + expected + " but it was " + actual, ); },});
test({ name: "mask(length, parens, ellipsis) should set a default length of 4 for a zero value", fn() { const expected = 4; const mask =, false, false); const actual = 4; // picks 4 if the random number generator picks 0 assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected default mask length is " + expected + " but it was " + actual, ); },});
test({ name: "mask(length, parens, ellipsis) should by default include parentheses around a partial account number", fn() { const expected = true; const mask =, null, false); const regexp = new RegExp(/(\(\d{4}?\))/); const actual = regexp.test(mask); assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected match for parentheses is " + expected + " but it was " + actual, ); },});
test({ name: "mask(length, parens, ellipsis) should by default include an ellipsis", fn() { const expected = true; const mask =, false, null); const regexp = new RegExp(/(\.\.\.\d{4})/); const actual = regexp.test(mask); assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected match for parentheses is " + expected + " but it was " + actual, ); },});
test({ name: "mask(length, parens, ellipsis) should work when random variables are passed into the arguments", fn() { const length = faker.random.number(20); const ellipsis = (length % 2 === 0) ? true : false; const parens = !ellipsis; const mask =, ellipsis, parens); assert(mask); },});
test({ name: "amount(min, max, dec, symbol) should use the default amounts when not passing arguments", fn() { const amount =; assert(amount); assertEquals((amount > 0), true, "the amount should be greater than 0"); assertEquals((amount < 1001), true, "the amount should be greater than 0"); },});
test({ name: "amount(min, max, dec, symbol) should use the defaul decimal location when not passing arguments", fn() { const amount =; const decimal = "."; const expected = amount.length - 3; const actual = amount.indexOf(decimal); assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected location of the decimal is " + expected + " but it was " + actual + " amount " + amount, ); },});
//TODO: add support for more currency and decimal optionstest({ name: "amount(min, max, dec, symbol) should not include a currency symbol by default", fn() { const amount =; const regexp = new RegExp(/[0-9.]/); const expected = true; const actual = regexp.test(amount); assertEquals( actual, expected, "The expected match should not include a currency symbol", ); },});
test({ name: "amount(min, max, dec, symbol) it should handle negative amounts", fn() { const amount =, -1); assert(amount); assertEquals((amount < 0), true, "the amount should be greater than 0"); assertEquals((amount > -201), true, "the amount should be greater than 0"); },});
test({ name: "amount(min, max, dec, symbol) it should handle argument dec", fn() { const amount =, 100, 1); assert(amount); assertStrictEquals(amount, "100.0", "the amount should be equal 100.0"); },});
test({ name: "amount(min, max, dec, symbol) it should handle argument dec = 0", fn() { const amount =, 100, 0); assert(amount); assertStrictEquals(amount, "100", "the amount should be equal 100"); },});
test({ name: "transactionType() should return a random transaction type", fn() { const transactionType =; assert(transactionType); },});
test({ name: "currencyCode() returns a random currency code with a format", fn() { const currencyCode =; assert(currencyCode.match(/[A-Z]{3}/)); },});
test({ name: "bitcoinAddress() returns a random bitcoin address", fn() { const bitcoinAddress =; /** * Note: Although the total length of a Bitcoin address can be 25-33 characters, regex quantifiers only check the proceding token * Therefore we take one from the total length of the address not including the first character ([13]) */ assert(bitcoinAddress.match(/^[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{24,33}$/)); },});
test({ name: "ethereumAddress() returns a random ethereum address", fn() { const ethereumAddress =; assert(ethereumAddress.match(/^(0x)[0-9a-f]{40}$/)); },});
test({ name: "creditCardNumber() returns a random credit card number", fn() { let number =; number = number.replace(/\D/g, ""); // remove formating console.log("version:", Deno.version.deno, number, number.length); assert(number.length >= 13 && number.length <= 20); assert(number.match(/^[0-9]{13,20}$/)); assert(luhnFormula(number)); },});
test({ name: "creditCardNumber() returns a valid credit card number", fn() { assert(luhnFormula(""))); assert(luhnFormula(; assert(luhnFormula(; assert(luhnFormula("visa"))); assert(luhnFormula("mastercard"))); assert(luhnFormula("discover"))); assert(luhnFormula(; assert(luhnFormula(; },});
test({ name: "creditCardNumber() returns a correct credit card number when issuer provided", fn() { //TODO: implement checks for each format with regexp const visa ="visa"); assert(visa.match(/^4(([0-9]){12}|([0-9]){3}(\-([0-9]){4}){3})$/)); assert(luhnFormula(visa)); const mastercard ="mastercard"); assert(mastercard.match(/^(5[1-5]\d{2}|6771)(\-\d{4}){3}$/)); assert(luhnFormula(mastercard)); const discover ="discover"); assert(luhnFormula(discover)); const american_express = "american_express", ); assert(luhnFormula(american_express)); const diners_club ="diners_club"); assert(luhnFormula(diners_club)); const jcb ="jcb"); assert(luhnFormula(jcb)); const switchC ="mastercard"); assert(luhnFormula(switchC)); const solo ="solo"); assert(luhnFormula(solo)); const maestro ="maestro"); assert(luhnFormula(maestro)); const laser ="laser"); assert(luhnFormula(laser)); const instapayment ="instapayment"); assert(luhnFormula(instapayment)); },});
test({ name: "creditCardNumber() returns custom formated strings", fn() { let number ="###-###-##L"); assert(number.match(/^\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{3}$/)); assert(luhnFormula(number)); number ="234[5-9]#{999}L"); assert(number.match(/^234[5-9]\d{1000}$/)); assert(luhnFormula(number)); },});
test({ name: "creditCardCVV() returns a random credit card CVV", fn() { const cvv =; assert(cvv.length === 3); assert(cvv.match(/^[0-9]{3}$/)); },});
test({ name: "iban() returns a random yet formally correct IBAN number", fn() { // const ibanLib = await import('../lib/iban.ts') const iban =; const bban = iban.substring(4) + iban.substring(0, 4); assertEquals( ibanLib.mod97(ibanLib.toDigitString(bban)), 1, "the result should be equal to 1", ); },});
test({ name: "bic() returns a random yet formally correct BIC number", fn() { const bic =; const expr = new RegExp( "^[A-Z]{4}(" + ibanLib.iso3166.join("|") + ")[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3})?$", "i", ); assert(bic.match(expr)); },});