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Deno port of
import { assert, assertEquals, sinon } from "./support/test_deps.ts";import { luhnCheck } from "./support/test_utils.ts";import { faker } from "../mod.ts";const { test } = Deno;
test({ name: 'replaceSymbolWithNumber() uses "#" by default, when no symbol passed in', fn() { const num = faker.helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber("#AB"); assert(num.match(/\dAB/)); },});
test({ name: "replaceSymbolWithNumber() when symbol passed in, replaces that symbol with integers", fn() { const num = faker.helpers.replaceSymbolWithNumber("#AB", "A"); assert(num.match(/#\dB/)); },});
test({ name: 'replaceSymbols() when "*" passed, replaces it with alphanumeric', fn() { const num = faker.helpers.replaceSymbols("*AB"); assert(num.match(/\wAB/)); },});
test({ name: "shuffle() the output is the same length as the input", fn() { sinon.spy(faker.random, "number"); const shuffled = faker.helpers.shuffle(["a", "b"]); assert(shuffled.length === 2); assert(faker.random.number.calledWith(1)); faker.random.number.restore(); },});
test({ name: "shuffle() empty array returns empty array", fn() { const shuffled = faker.helpers.shuffle([]); assert(shuffled.length === 0); },});
test({ name: "slugify() removes unwanted characters from URI string", fn() { assertEquals(faker.helpers.slugify("Aiden.Harªann"), "Aiden.Harann"); assertEquals(faker.helpers.slugify("d'"), ""); },});
test({ name: "mustache() returns empty string with no arguments", fn() { assertEquals(faker.helpers.mustache(), ""); },});
test({ name: "repeatString() returns empty string with no arguments", fn() { assertEquals(faker.helpers.repeatString(), ""); },});
test({ name: "replaceSymbols() returns empty string with no arguments", fn() { assertEquals(faker.helpers.replaceSymbols(), ""); },});/*test({ name: 'replaceCreditCardSymbols() returns empty string with no arguments', fn () { assertEquals(faker.helpers.replaceCreditCardSymbols(), '') }})*/test({ name: "createCard() returns an object", fn() { const card = faker.helpers.createCard(); assert(typeof card === "object"); },});
test({ name: "contextualCard() returns an object", fn() { const card = faker.helpers.userCard(); assert(typeof card === "object"); },});
test({ name: "userCard() returns an object", fn() { const card = faker.helpers.userCard(); assert(typeof card === "object"); },});
// Make sure we keep this function for backward-compatibility.test({ name: "randomize() returns a random element from an array", fn() { const arr = ["a", "b", "c"]; const elem = faker.helpers.randomize(arr); assert(elem); assert(arr.indexOf(elem) !== -1); },});
test({ name: "replaceCreditCardSymbols() returns a credit card number given a schema", fn() { const number = faker.helpers.replaceCreditCardSymbols( "6453-####-####-####-###L", ); assert( number.match(/^6453\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}$/), ); assert(luhnCheck(number)); },});
test({ name: "replaceCreditCardSymbols() supports different symbols", fn() { const number = faker.helpers.replaceCreditCardSymbols( "6453-****-****-****-***L", "*", ); assert( number.match(/^6453\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}$/), ); assert(luhnCheck(number)); },});
test({ name: "replaceCreditCardSymbols() handles regexp style input", fn() { let number = faker.helpers.replaceCreditCardSymbols( "6453-*{4}-*{4}-*{4}-*{3}L", "*", ); assert( number.match(/^6453\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}\-([0-9]){4}$/), ); assert(luhnCheck(number)); number = faker.helpers.replaceCreditCardSymbols( "645[5-9]-#{4,6}-#{1,2}-#{4,6}-#{3}L", ); assert( number.match( /^645[5-9]\-([0-9]){4,6}\-([0-9]){1,2}\-([0-9]){4,6}\-([0-9]){4}$/, ), ); assert(luhnCheck(number)); },});
test({ name: "regexpStyleStringParse() returns an empty string when called without param", fn() { assert(faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse() === ""); },});
test({ name: "regexpStyleStringParse() deals with range repeat", fn() { const string = faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse("#{5,10}"); assert(string.length <= 10 && string.length >= 5); assert(string.match(/^\#{5,10}$/)); },});
test({ name: "regexpStyleStringParse() flips the range when min > max", fn() { const string = faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse("#{10,5}"); assert(string.length <= 10 && string.length >= 5); assert(string.match(/^\#{5,10}$/)); },});
test({ name: "regexpStyleStringParse() repeats string {n} number of times", fn() { assert( faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse("%{10}") === faker.helpers.repeatString("%", 10), ); assert( faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse("%{30}") === faker.helpers.repeatString("%", 30), ); assert( faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse("%{5}") === faker.helpers.repeatString("%", 5), ); },});
test({ name: "regexpStyleStringParse() creates a numerical range", fn() { const string = faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse("Hello[0-9]"); assert(string.match(/^Hello[0-9]$/)); },});
test({ name: "regexpStyleStringParse() deals with multiple tokens in one string", fn() { const string = faker.helpers.regexpStyleStringParse( "Test#{5}%{2,5}Testing**[1-5]**{10}END", ); assert(string.match(/^Test\#{5}%{2,5}Testing\*\*[1-5]\*\*{10}END$/)); },});
test({ name: "createTransaction() should create a random transaction", fn() { const transaction = faker.helpers.createTransaction(); assert(transaction); assert(transaction.amount); assert(; assert(; assert(; assert(transaction.type); assert(transaction.account); },});