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Deno port of
import { assert, assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, sinon,} from "./support/test_deps.ts";import { faker } from "../mod.ts";const { test } = Deno;
test({ name: "email() returns an email", fn(): void { sinon.stub(faker.internet, "userName").returns("Aiden.Harann55"); const email ="Aiden.Harann55"); const res = email.split("@")[0]; assertEquals(res, "Aiden.Harann55"); faker.internet.userName.restore(); },});
test({ name: "exampleEmail() returns an email with the correct name", fn(): void { sinon.stub(faker.internet, "userName").returns("Aiden.Harann55"); const email = faker.internet.exampleEmail("Aiden.Harann55"); const res = email.split("@")[0]; assertEquals(res, "Aiden.Harann55"); faker.internet.userName.restore(); },});
test({ name: "exampleEmail() uses the example.[org|com|net] host", fn(): void { const email = faker.internet.exampleEmail(); assert(email.match(/@example\.(org|com|net)$/)); },});
test({ name: "userName() occasionally returns a single firstName", fn(): void { sinon.stub(faker.random, "number").returns(0); sinon.spy(, "firstName"); const username = faker.internet.userName(); assert(username); assert(; faker.random.number.restore();; },});
test({ name: "userName() occasionally returns a firstName with a period or hyphen and a lastName", fn(): void { sinon.stub(faker.random, "number").returns(1); sinon.spy(, "firstName"); sinon.spy(, "lastName"); sinon.spy(faker.random, "arrayElement"); const username = faker.internet.userName(); assert(username); assert(; assert(; assert(faker.random.arrayElement.calledWith([".", "_"])); faker.random.number.restore();;; faker.random.arrayElement.restore(); },});
test({ name: "domainName() returns a domainWord plus a random suffix", fn(): void { sinon.stub(faker.internet, "domainWord").returns("bar"); sinon.stub(faker.internet, "domainSuffix").returns("net"); const domain_name = faker.internet.domainName(); assertEquals(domain_name, ""); faker.internet.domainWord.restore(); faker.internet.domainSuffix.restore(); },});
test({ name: "domainWord() returns a lower-case firstName", fn(): void { sinon.stub(, "firstName").returns("FOO"); const domain_word = faker.internet.domainWord(); assert(domain_word); assertStrictEquals(domain_word, "foo");; },});
test({ name: "domainWord(), when the firstName contains a apostrophe, should remove the apostrophe", fn(): void { sinon.stub(, "firstName").returns("d'angelo"); const domain_word = faker.internet.domainWord(); assertStrictEquals(domain_word, "dangelo");; },});
test({ name: "protocol() returns a valid protocol", fn(): void { const protocol = faker.internet.protocol(); assert(protocol); },});
test({ name: "protocol() should occasionally return http", fn(): void { sinon.stub(faker.random, "number").returns(0); const protocol = faker.internet.protocol(); assert(protocol); assertStrictEquals(protocol, "http"); faker.random.number.restore(); },});
test({ name: "protocol() should occasionally return https", fn(): void { sinon.stub(faker.random, "number").returns(1); const protocol = faker.internet.protocol(); assert(protocol); assertStrictEquals(protocol, "https"); faker.random.number.restore(); },});
test({ name: "url() returns a valid url", fn(): void { sinon.stub(faker.internet, "protocol").returns("http"); sinon.stub(faker.internet, "domainWord").returns("bar"); sinon.stub(faker.internet, "domainSuffix").returns("net"); const url = faker.internet.url(); assert(url); assertStrictEquals(url, ""); },});
test({ name: "ip() returns a random IP address with four parts", fn(): void { const ip = faker.internet.ip(); const parts = ip.split("."); assertEquals(parts.length, 4); },});
test({ name: "ipv6() returns a random IPv6 address with eight parts", fn(): void { const ip = faker.internet.ipv6(); const parts = ip.split(":"); assertEquals(parts.length, 8); },});
test({ name: "userAgent() returns a valid user-agent", fn(): void { const ua = faker.internet.userAgent(); assert(ua); },});
test({ name: "color() returns a valid hex value (like #ffffff)", fn(): void { const color = faker.internet.color(100, 100, 100); assert(color.match(/^#[a-f0-9]{6}$/)); },});
test({ name: "mac() returns a random MAC address with 6 hexadecimal digits", fn(): void { const mac = faker.internet.mac(); assert(mac.match(/^([a-f0-9]{2}:){5}[a-f0-9]{2}$/)); },});
test({ name: "mac() uses the dash separator if we pass it in as our separator", fn(): void { const mac = faker.internet.mac("-"); assert(mac.match(/^([a-f0-9]{2}-){5}[a-f0-9]{2}$/)); },});
test({ name: "mac() uses no separator if we pass in an empty string", fn(): void { const mac = faker.internet.mac(""); assert(mac.match(/^[a-f0-9]{12}$/)); },});
test({ name: "mac() uses the default colon (:) if we provide an unacceptable separator", fn(): void { let mac = faker.internet.mac("!"); assert(mac.match(/^([a-f0-9]{2}:){5}[a-f0-9]{2}$/)); mac = faker.internet.mac("&"); assert(mac.match(/^([a-f0-9]{2}:){5}[a-f0-9]{2}$/)); },});