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import { assert, assertEquals, sinon } from "./support/test_deps.ts";import { testWrapper } from "./support/test_utils.ts";import { faker } from "../mod.ts";const { test } = Deno;
function shuffleSpy() { sinon.spy(faker.helpers, "shuffle");}function shuffleRestore() { faker.helpers.shuffle.restore();}testWrapper( { name: "words() returns three words, when no 'num' param passed in", fn() { const str = faker.lorem.words(); const words = str.split(" "); assert(Array.isArray(words)); assertEquals(true, words.length >= 3); // assert(faker.helpers.shuffle.called) }, }, shuffleSpy, shuffleRestore,);
testWrapper( { name: "words() returns requested number of words, when 'num' param passed in", fn() { const str = faker.lorem.words(7); const words = str.split(" "); assert(Array.isArray(words)); assertEquals(words.length, 7); }, }, shuffleSpy, shuffleRestore,);
const validateSlug = function (wordCount: number, str: string) { assertEquals(1, str.match(/^[a-z][a-z-]*[a-z]$/)!.length); assertEquals(wordCount - 1, str.match(/-/g)!.length);};testWrapper( { name: "slug() returns a slug with three words, when no 'wordCount' param passed in", fn() { const str = faker.lorem.slug(); validateSlug(3, str); }, }, shuffleSpy, shuffleRestore,);
testWrapper( { name: "slug() returns a slug with requested number of words, when 'wordCount' param passed in", fn() { const str = faker.lorem.slug(7); validateSlug(7, str); }, }, shuffleSpy, shuffleRestore,);/*test({ name: 'sentence() returns a string of at least three words, when no \'wordCount\' or \'range\' param passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'words') sinon.stub(faker.random, 'number').returns(2) const sentence = faker.lorem.sentence() assert(typeof sentence === 'string') const parts = sentence.split(' ') assertEquals(parts.length, 5) // default 3 plus stubbed 2. assert(faker.lorem.words.calledWith(5)) faker.lorem.words.restore() faker.random.number.restore() }})
test({ name: 'sentence() returns a string of at least the requested number of words, when \'wordCount\' param passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'words') sinon.stub(faker.random, 'number').withArgs(7).returns(2) const sentence = faker.lorem.sentence(10) assert(typeof sentence === 'string') const parts = sentence.split(' ') assertEquals(parts.length, 12) // requested 10 plus stubbed 2. assert(faker.lorem.words.calledWith(12)) faker.lorem.words.restore() faker.random.number.restore() }})
test({ name: 'sentence() returns a string of at least the requested number of words, when \'wordCount\' and \'range\' params passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'words') sinon.stub(faker.random, 'number').withArgs(4).returns(4) const sentence = faker.lorem.sentence(10, 4) assert(typeof sentence === 'string') const parts = sentence.split(' ') assertEquals(parts.length, 14) // requested 10 plus stubbed 4. assert(faker.random.number.calledWith(4)) // random.number should be called with the 'range' we passed. assert(faker.lorem.words.calledWith(14)) faker.lorem.words.restore() faker.random.number.restore() }})
test({ name: 'sentences() returns newline-separated string of three sentences, when no \'sentenceCount\' param passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'sentence') const sentences = faker.lorem.sentences() assert(typeof sentences === 'string') const parts = sentences.split('\n') assertEquals(parts.length, 3) assert(faker.lorem.sentence.calledThrice) faker.lorem.sentence.restore() }})
test({ name: 'sentences() returns newline-separated string of requested number of sentences, when \'sentenceCount\' param passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'sentence') const sentences = faker.lorem.sentences(5) assert(typeof sentences === 'string') const parts = sentences.split('\n') assertEquals(parts.length, 5) faker.lorem.sentence.restore() }})
test({ name: 'paragraph() returns a string of at least three sentences, when no \'wordCount\' param passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'sentences') sinon.stub(faker.random, 'number').returns(2) const paragraph = faker.lorem.paragraph() assert(typeof paragraph === 'string') const parts = paragraph.split('\n') assertEquals(parts.length, 5) // default 3 plus stubbed 2. assert(faker.lorem.sentences.calledWith(5)) faker.lorem.sentences.restore() faker.random.number.restore() }})
test({ name: 'paragraph() \'returns a string of at least the requested number of sentences, when \'wordCount\' param passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'sentences') sinon.stub(faker.random, 'number').returns(2) const paragraph = faker.lorem.paragraph(10) assert(typeof paragraph === 'string') const parts = paragraph.split('\n') assertEquals(parts.length, 12) // requested 10 plus stubbed 2. assert(faker.lorem.sentences.calledWith(12)) faker.lorem.sentences.restore() faker.random.number.restore() }})
test({ name: 'paragraphs() returns newline-separated string of three paragraphs, when no \'paragraphCount\' param passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'paragraph') const paragraphs = faker.lorem.paragraphs() assert(typeof paragraphs === 'string') const parts = paragraphs.split('\n \r') assertEquals(parts.length, 3) assert(faker.lorem.paragraph.calledThrice) faker.lorem.paragraph.restore() }})
test({ name: 'paragraphs() returns newline-separated string of requested number of paragraphs, when \'paragraphCount\' param passed in', fn () { sinon.spy(faker.lorem, 'paragraph') const paragraphs = faker.lorem.paragraphs(5) assert(typeof paragraphs === 'string') const parts = paragraphs.split('\n \r') assertEquals(parts.length, 5) faker.lorem.paragraph.restore() }})*/