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The module graph logic for Deno CLI
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// @generated file from wasmbuild -- do not edit// deno-lint-ignore-file// deno-fmt-ignore-file// source-hash: aa25817dd3932104c7bfa0465b308bd37d42911dlet wasm;
import * as import0 from "./snippets/deno_graph-03058c6977d5ab9f/src/deno_apis.js";
const heap = new Array(32).fill(undefined);
heap.push(undefined, null, true, false);
function getObject(idx) { return heap[idx];}
let heap_next = heap.length;
function dropObject(idx) { if (idx < 36) return; heap[idx] = heap_next; heap_next = idx;}
function takeObject(idx) { const ret = getObject(idx); dropObject(idx); return ret;}
let cachedUint8Memory0;function getUint8Memory0() { if (cachedUint8Memory0.byteLength === 0) { cachedUint8Memory0 = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer); } return cachedUint8Memory0;}
const cachedTextEncoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
const encodeString = function (arg, view) { return cachedTextEncoder.encodeInto(arg, view);};
function passStringToWasm0(arg, malloc, realloc) { if (realloc === undefined) { const buf = cachedTextEncoder.encode(arg); const ptr = malloc(buf.length); getUint8Memory0().subarray(ptr, ptr + buf.length).set(buf); WASM_VECTOR_LEN = buf.length; return ptr; }
let len = arg.length; let ptr = malloc(len);
const mem = getUint8Memory0();
let offset = 0;
for (; offset < len; offset++) { const code = arg.charCodeAt(offset); if (code > 0x7F) break; mem[ptr + offset] = code; }
if (offset !== len) { if (offset !== 0) { arg = arg.slice(offset); } ptr = realloc(ptr, len, len = offset + arg.length * 3); const view = getUint8Memory0().subarray(ptr + offset, ptr + len); const ret = encodeString(arg, view);
offset += ret.written; }
WASM_VECTOR_LEN = offset; return ptr;}
let cachedInt32Memory0;function getInt32Memory0() { if (cachedInt32Memory0.byteLength === 0) { cachedInt32Memory0 = new Int32Array(wasm.memory.buffer); } return cachedInt32Memory0;}
const cachedTextDecoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8", { ignoreBOM: true, fatal: true,});
function getStringFromWasm0(ptr, len) { return cachedTextDecoder.decode(getUint8Memory0().subarray(ptr, ptr + len));}
function addHeapObject(obj) { if (heap_next === heap.length) heap.push(heap.length + 1); const idx = heap_next; heap_next = heap[idx];
heap[idx] = obj; return idx;}
function debugString(val) { // primitive types const type = typeof val; if (type == "number" || type == "boolean" || val == null) { return `${val}`; } if (type == "string") { return `"${val}"`; } if (type == "symbol") { const description = val.description; if (description == null) { return "Symbol"; } else { return `Symbol(${description})`; } } if (type == "function") { const name =; if (typeof name == "string" && name.length > 0) { return `Function(${name})`; } else { return "Function"; } } // objects if (Array.isArray(val)) { const length = val.length; let debug = "["; if (length > 0) { debug += debugString(val[0]); } for (let i = 1; i < length; i++) { debug += ", " + debugString(val[i]); } debug += "]"; return debug; } // Test for built-in const builtInMatches = /\[object ([^\]]+)\]/.exec(; let className; if (builtInMatches.length > 1) { className = builtInMatches[1]; } else { // Failed to match the standard '[object ClassName]' return; } if (className == "Object") { // we're a user defined class or Object // JSON.stringify avoids problems with cycles, and is generally much // easier than looping through ownProperties of `val`. try { return "Object(" + JSON.stringify(val) + ")"; } catch (_) { return "Object"; } } // errors if (val instanceof Error) { return `${}: ${val.message}\n${val.stack}`; } // TODO we could test for more things here, like `Set`s and `Map`s. return className;}
const CLOSURE_DTORS = new FinalizationRegistry((state) => { wasm.__wbindgen_export_2.get(state.dtor)(state.a, state.b);});
function makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, dtor, f) { const state = { a: arg0, b: arg1, cnt: 1, dtor }; const real = (...args) => { // First up with a closure we increment the internal reference // count. This ensures that the Rust closure environment won't // be deallocated while we're invoking it. state.cnt++; const a = state.a; state.a = 0; try { return f(a, state.b, ...args); } finally { if (--state.cnt === 0) { wasm.__wbindgen_export_2.get(state.dtor)(a, state.b); CLOSURE_DTORS.unregister(state); } else { state.a = a; } } }; real.original = state; CLOSURE_DTORS.register(real, state, state); return real;}function __wbg_adapter_20(arg0, arg1, arg2) { wasm ._dyn_core__ops__function__FnMut__A____Output___R_as_wasm_bindgen__closure__WasmClosure___describe__invoke__headbbac95d682cf7( arg0, arg1, addHeapObject(arg2), );}
function isLikeNone(x) { return x === undefined || x === null;}/** * @param {string} specifier * @param {any} maybe_headers * @param {string | undefined} maybe_default_jsx_import_source * @param {string | undefined} maybe_jsx_import_source_module * @param {string} content * @param {any} maybe_kind * @param {Function | undefined} maybe_resolve * @param {Function | undefined} maybe_resolve_types * @returns {Module} */export function parseModule( specifier, maybe_headers, maybe_default_jsx_import_source, maybe_jsx_import_source_module, content, maybe_kind, maybe_resolve, maybe_resolve_types,) { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0( specifier, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; var ptr1 = isLikeNone(maybe_default_jsx_import_source) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0( maybe_default_jsx_import_source, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); var len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; var ptr2 = isLikeNone(maybe_jsx_import_source_module) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0( maybe_jsx_import_source_module, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); var len2 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; const ptr3 = passStringToWasm0( content, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); const len3 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; wasm.parseModule( retptr, ptr0, len0, addHeapObject(maybe_headers), ptr1, len1, ptr2, len2, ptr3, len3, addHeapObject(maybe_kind), isLikeNone(maybe_resolve) ? 0 : addHeapObject(maybe_resolve), isLikeNone(maybe_resolve_types) ? 0 : addHeapObject(maybe_resolve_types), ); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2]; if (r2) { throw takeObject(r1); } return Module.__wrap(r0); } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); }}
/** * @param {any} roots * @param {Function} load * @param {string | undefined} maybe_default_jsx_import_source * @param {string | undefined} maybe_jsx_import_source_module * @param {Function | undefined} maybe_cache_info * @param {Function | undefined} maybe_resolve * @param {Function | undefined} maybe_resolve_types * @param {Function | undefined} maybe_check * @param {Function | undefined} maybe_get_checksum * @param {string | undefined} maybe_lockfile_name * @param {string | undefined} maybe_build_kind * @param {any} maybe_imports * @returns {Promise<ModuleGraph>} */export function createGraph( roots, load, maybe_default_jsx_import_source, maybe_jsx_import_source_module, maybe_cache_info, maybe_resolve, maybe_resolve_types, maybe_check, maybe_get_checksum, maybe_lockfile_name, maybe_build_kind, maybe_imports,) { var ptr0 = isLikeNone(maybe_default_jsx_import_source) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0( maybe_default_jsx_import_source, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); var len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; var ptr1 = isLikeNone(maybe_jsx_import_source_module) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0( maybe_jsx_import_source_module, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); var len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; var ptr2 = isLikeNone(maybe_lockfile_name) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0( maybe_lockfile_name, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); var len2 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; var ptr3 = isLikeNone(maybe_build_kind) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0( maybe_build_kind, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); var len3 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; const ret = wasm.createGraph( addHeapObject(roots), addHeapObject(load), ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, isLikeNone(maybe_cache_info) ? 0 : addHeapObject(maybe_cache_info), isLikeNone(maybe_resolve) ? 0 : addHeapObject(maybe_resolve), isLikeNone(maybe_resolve_types) ? 0 : addHeapObject(maybe_resolve_types), isLikeNone(maybe_check) ? 0 : addHeapObject(maybe_check), isLikeNone(maybe_get_checksum) ? 0 : addHeapObject(maybe_get_checksum), ptr2, len2, ptr3, len3, addHeapObject(maybe_imports), ); return takeObject(ret);}
const u32CvtShim = new Uint32Array(2);
const uint64CvtShim = new BigUint64Array(u32CvtShim.buffer);
const int64CvtShim = new BigInt64Array(u32CvtShim.buffer);
function handleError(f, args) { try { return f.apply(this, args); } catch (e) { wasm.__wbindgen_exn_store(addHeapObject(e)); }}function __wbg_adapter_69(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) { wasm.wasm_bindgen__convert__closures__invoke2_mut__hd8e3bbd737cb4e88( arg0, arg1, addHeapObject(arg2), addHeapObject(arg3), );}
const ModuleFinalization = new FinalizationRegistry((ptr) => wasm.__wbg_module_free(ptr));/** */export class Module { static __wrap(ptr) { const obj = Object.create(Module.prototype); obj.ptr = ptr; ModuleFinalization.register(obj, obj.ptr, obj); return obj; }
__destroy_into_raw() { const ptr = this.ptr; this.ptr = 0; ModuleFinalization.unregister(this); return ptr; }
free() { const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw(); wasm.__wbg_module_free(ptr); } /** * @returns {any} */ get cacheInfo() { const ret = wasm.module_cacheInfo(this.ptr); return takeObject(ret); } /** * @returns {string | undefined} */ get checksum() { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); wasm.module_checksum(retptr, this.ptr); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; let v0; if (r0 !== 0) { v0 = getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1).slice(); wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1 * 1); } return v0; } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); } } /** * @returns {any} */ get dependencies() { const ret = wasm.module_dependencies(this.ptr); return takeObject(ret); } /** * @returns {any} */ get kind() { const ret = wasm.module_kind(this.ptr); return takeObject(ret); } /** * @returns {string} */ get mediaType() { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); wasm.module_mediaType(retptr, this.ptr); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1); } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1); } } /** * @returns {number} */ get size() { const ret = wasm.module_size(this.ptr); return ret >>> 0; } /** * @returns {string} */ get source() { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); wasm.module_source(retptr, this.ptr); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1); } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1); } } /** * @returns {string} */ get specifier() { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); wasm.module_specifier(retptr, this.ptr); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1); } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1); } } /** * @returns {any} */ get typesDependency() { const ret = wasm.module_typesDependency(this.ptr); return takeObject(ret); } /** * @returns {any} */ toJSON() { const ret = wasm.module_toJSON(this.ptr); return takeObject(ret); }}
const ModuleGraphFinalization = new FinalizationRegistry((ptr) => wasm.__wbg_modulegraph_free(ptr));/** */export class ModuleGraph { static __wrap(ptr) { const obj = Object.create(ModuleGraph.prototype); obj.ptr = ptr; ModuleGraphFinalization.register(obj, obj.ptr, obj); return obj; }
__destroy_into_raw() { const ptr = this.ptr; this.ptr = 0; ModuleGraphFinalization.unregister(this); return ptr; }
free() { const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw(); wasm.__wbg_modulegraph_free(ptr); } /** * @returns {Array<any>} */ get roots() { const ret = wasm.modulegraph_roots(this.ptr); return takeObject(ret); } /** * @param {string} specifier * @returns {Module | undefined} */ get(specifier) { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0( specifier, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; wasm.modulegraph_get(retptr, this.ptr, ptr0, len0); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2]; if (r2) { throw takeObject(r1); } return r0 === 0 ? undefined : Module.__wrap(r0); } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); } } /** */ lock() { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); wasm.modulegraph_lock(retptr, this.ptr); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; if (r1) { throw takeObject(r0); } } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); } } /** * @returns {Array<any>} */ get modules() { const ret = wasm.modulegraph_modules(this.ptr); return takeObject(ret); } /** * @param {string} specifier * @returns {string} */ resolve(specifier) { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0( specifier, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; wasm.modulegraph_resolve(retptr, this.ptr, ptr0, len0); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1); } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1); } } /** * @param {string} specifier * @param {string} referrer * @param {boolean} prefer_types * @returns {string | undefined} */ resolveDependency(specifier, referrer, prefer_types) { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0( specifier, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0( referrer, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; wasm.modulegraph_resolveDependency( retptr, this.ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, prefer_types, ); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; let v2; if (r0 !== 0) { v2 = getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1).slice(); wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1 * 1); } return v2; } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); } } /** * @returns {any} */ toJSON() { const ret = wasm.modulegraph_toJSON(this.ptr); return takeObject(ret); } /** * @param {boolean | undefined} maybe_no_color * @returns {string} */ toString(maybe_no_color) { try { const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); wasm.modulegraph_toString( retptr, this.ptr, isLikeNone(maybe_no_color) ? 0xFFFFFF : maybe_no_color ? 1 : 0, ); var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0]; var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1]; return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1); } finally { wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16); wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1); } }}
const imports = { __wbindgen_placeholder__: { __wbindgen_object_drop_ref: function (arg0) { takeObject(arg0); }, __wbindgen_json_serialize: function (arg0, arg1) { const obj = getObject(arg1); const ret = JSON.stringify(obj === undefined ? null : obj); const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0( ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len0; getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr0; }, __wbindgen_string_new: function (arg0, arg1) { const ret = getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_module_new: function (arg0) { const ret = Module.__wrap(arg0); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_modulegraph_new: function (arg0) { const ret = ModuleGraph.__wrap(arg0); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_BigInt_1b7cf17b993da2bd: function (arg0, arg1) { u32CvtShim[0] = arg0; u32CvtShim[1] = arg1; const n0 = uint64CvtShim[0]; const ret = BigInt(n0); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_BigInt_4f2945f00df26418: function (arg0, arg1) { u32CvtShim[0] = arg0; u32CvtShim[1] = arg1; const n0 = int64CvtShim[0]; const ret = BigInt(n0); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_set_fbb49ad265f9dee8: function (arg0, arg1, arg2) { getObject(arg0)[takeObject(arg1)] = takeObject(arg2); }, __wbindgen_object_clone_ref: function (arg0) { const ret = getObject(arg0); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbindgen_number_new: function (arg0) { const ret = arg0; return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbindgen_cb_drop: function (arg0) { const obj = takeObject(arg0).original; if (obj.cnt-- == 1) { obj.a = 0; return true; } const ret = false; return ret; }, __wbg_new_2ab697f1555e0dbc: function () { const ret = new Array(); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_new_f0540490a24a79bb: function () { const ret = new Map(); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_new_306ce8d57919e6ae: function () { const ret = new Object(); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbindgen_is_string: function (arg0) { const ret = typeof (getObject(arg0)) === "string"; return ret; }, __wbg_push_811c8b08bf4ff9d5: function (arg0, arg1) { const ret = getObject(arg0).push(getObject(arg1)); return ret; }, __wbg_new_651776e932b7e9c7: function (arg0, arg1) { const ret = new Error(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1)); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_call_9855a4612eb496cb: function () { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) { const ret = getObject(arg0).call(getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2)); return addHeapObject(ret); }, arguments); }, __wbg_call_8e1338b908441bd2: function () { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) { const ret = getObject(arg0).call( getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2), getObject(arg3), ); return addHeapObject(ret); }, arguments); }, __wbg_set_e44d2fe94a18567f: function (arg0, arg1, arg2) { const ret = getObject(arg0).set(getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2)); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_new_78403b138428b684: function (arg0, arg1) { try { var state0 = { a: arg0, b: arg1 }; var cb0 = (arg0, arg1) => { const a = state0.a; state0.a = 0; try { return __wbg_adapter_69(a, state0.b, arg0, arg1); } finally { state0.a = a; } }; const ret = new Promise(cb0); return addHeapObject(ret); } finally { state0.a = state0.b = 0; } }, __wbg_resolve_f269ce174f88b294: function (arg0) { const ret = Promise.resolve(getObject(arg0)); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_then_1c698eedca15eed6: function (arg0, arg1) { const ret = getObject(arg0).then(getObject(arg1)); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbg_then_4debc41d4fc92ce5: function (arg0, arg1, arg2) { const ret = getObject(arg0).then(getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2)); return addHeapObject(ret); }, __wbindgen_debug_string: function (arg0, arg1) { const ret = debugString(getObject(arg1)); const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0( ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc, ); const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN; getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len0; getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr0; }, __wbindgen_throw: function (arg0, arg1) { throw new Error(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1)); }, __wbindgen_closure_wrapper1866: function (arg0, arg1, arg2) { const ret = makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, 288, __wbg_adapter_20); return addHeapObject(ret); }, }, "./snippets/deno_graph-03058c6977d5ab9f/src/deno_apis.js": import0,};
const wasm_url = new URL("deno_graph_bg.wasm", import.meta.url);
/** * Decompression callback * * @callback decompressCallback * @param {Uint8Array} compressed * @return {Uint8Array} decompressed */
/** Instantiates an instance of the Wasm module returning its functions. * @remarks It is safe to call this multiple times and once successfully * loaded it will always return a reference to the same object. * @param {decompressCallback=} transform */export async function instantiate(transform) { return (await instantiateWithInstance(transform)).exports;}
let instanceWithExports;let lastLoadPromise;
/** Instantiates an instance of the Wasm module along with its exports. * @remarks It is safe to call this multiple times and once successfully * loaded it will always return a reference to the same object. * @param {decompressCallback=} transform * @returns {Promise<{ * instance: WebAssembly.Instance; * exports: { parseModule: typeof parseModule; createGraph: typeof createGraph; Module : typeof Module ; ModuleGraph : typeof ModuleGraph } * }>} */export function instantiateWithInstance(transform) { if (instanceWithExports != null) { return Promise.resolve(instanceWithExports); } if (lastLoadPromise == null) { lastLoadPromise = (async () => { try { const instance = (await instantiateModule(transform)).instance; wasm = instance.exports; cachedInt32Memory0 = new Int32Array(wasm.memory.buffer); cachedUint8Memory0 = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer); instanceWithExports = { instance, exports: getWasmInstanceExports(), }; return instanceWithExports; } finally { lastLoadPromise = null; } })(); } return lastLoadPromise;}
function getWasmInstanceExports() { return { parseModule, createGraph, Module, ModuleGraph };}
/** Gets if the Wasm module has been instantiated. */export function isInstantiated() { return instanceWithExports != null;}
async function instantiateModule(transform) { switch (wasm_url.protocol) { case "file:": { if (typeof Deno !== "object") { throw new Error("file urls are not supported in this environment"); }
if ("permissions" in Deno) { await Deno.permissions.request({ name: "read", path: wasm_url }); } const wasmCode = await Deno.readFile(wasm_url); return WebAssembly.instantiate( !transform ? wasmCode : transform(wasmCode), imports, ); } case "https:": case "http:": { if (typeof Deno === "object" && "permissions" in Deno) { await Deno.permissions.request({ name: "net", host: }); } const wasmResponse = await fetch(wasm_url); if (transform) { const wasmCode = new Uint8Array(await wasmResponse.arrayBuffer()); return WebAssembly.instantiate(transform(wasmCode), imports); } if ( wasmResponse.headers.get("content-type")?.toLowerCase().startsWith( "application/wasm", ) ) { return WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(wasmResponse, imports); } else { return WebAssembly.instantiate( await wasmResponse.arrayBuffer(), imports, ); } } default: throw new Error(`Unsupported protocol: ${wasm_url.protocol}`); }}