import * as denoNest from "";
v ajax | |
A middleware that will deal the exceptions when called, and set the response time for other middleware in
milliseconds as | |
如果不允许外部用户访问,则用此方法跳过限制。 如果允许外部用户访问,则用此方法保护内部接口。 | |
auth守卫 | |
单位是ms | |
清理SSO的缓存,配合一个logout接口使用 | |
单位是秒 | |
根据host获取一级域名 | |
The difference between LogInterceptor and LogMiddleware is that the latter can capture 404 errors. | |
The difference between LogInterceptor and LogMiddleware is that the latter can capture 404 errors. | |
模糊查询正则 | |
f md5 | |
sso守卫 | |
SSO返回的用户信息 | |
I User |