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type alias BaseTriggerResponse
import { type BaseTriggerResponse } from "";

Type Parameters

WorkflowDefinition extends WorkflowSchema
definition: Pick<BaseTrigger<WorkflowDefinition>, "name" | "type" | "description"> & { [otherOptions: string]: any; id: string; workflow: { [otherOptions: string]: any; id: string; workflow_id: string; callback_id: string; title: string; description: string; type: string; input_parameters: Record<string, any>[]; output_parameters: Record<string, any>[]; app_id: string; app: { [otherOptions: string]: any; id: string; name: string; icons: { [otherOptions: string]: any; image_32: string; image_48: string; image_64: string; image_72: string; }; }; date_created: number; date_updated: number; date_deleted: number; }; inputs: { [key: string]: Record<string, any>; }; outputs: { [key: string]: { [otherOptions: string]: any; type: string; title: string; description: string; is_required: boolean; name: string; }; }; available_data: { [key: string]: Record<string, any>; }; date_created: number; date_updated: number; }