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Library for building a Run on Slack Deno project.
import { Options } from "./types.ts";import { ensureDir, path } from "./deps.ts";
export const validateAndCreateFunctions = async ( options: Options, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any manifest: any,) => { if (options.outputDirectory) { // Ensure functions directory exists const functionsPath = path.join(options.outputDirectory, "functions"); await ensureDir(functionsPath); }
// Find all the run on slack functions for (const fnId in manifest.functions) { const fnDef = manifest.functions[fnId];
// For now we'll bundle all functions until this is available on a manifest // TODO: add this check back once we add it to the manifest definition // if (fnDef.runtime_environment !== 'slack') { // continue; // }
//For API type functions, there are no function files. if (fnDef.type === "API") { continue; }
// Always validate function paths const fnFilePath = await getValidFunctionPath(options, fnId, fnDef);
// Create function files if there is an output directory provided if (options.outputDirectory) { createFunctionFile(options as Required<Options>, fnId, fnFilePath); } else if (!options.outputDirectory && !options.manifestOnly) { // If no output directory and not just outputting manifest, throw error throw new Error( "Cannot build function files if no output option is provided", ); } }};
const functionPathHasDefaultExport = async ( functionFilePath: string,) => { const functionModule = await import(`file://${functionFilePath}`); return functionModule.default ? typeof functionModule.default == "function" : false;};
const getValidFunctionPath = async ( options: Options, fnId: string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any fnDef: any,) => { if (!fnDef.source_file) { throw new Error( `Run on Slack function provided for ${fnId}, but no source_file was provided.`, ); }
const fnFilePath = path.join(options.workingDirectory, fnDef.source_file);
// Make sure it's a file that exists try { const { isFile } = await Deno.stat(fnFilePath); if (!isFile) { throw new Error(`Could not find file: ${fnFilePath}`); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { throw new Error( `Could not find file: ${fnFilePath}. Make sure your function's "source_file" is relative to your project root.`, ); } throw new Error(e); }
if (!await functionPathHasDefaultExport(fnFilePath)) { throw new Error( `File: ${fnFilePath}, containing your function does not define a default export handler.`, ); } return fnFilePath;};
const createFunctionFile = async ( options: Required<Options>, fnId: string, fnFilePath: string,) => { const fnFileRelative = path.join("functions", `${fnId}.js`); const fnBundledPath = path.join(options.outputDirectory, fnFileRelative);
// We'll default to just using whatever Deno executable is on the path // Ideally we should be able to rely on Deno.execPath() so we make sure to bundle with the same version of Deno // that called this script. This is perhaps a bit overly cautious, so we can look to remove the defaulting here in the future. let denoExecutablePath = "deno"; try { denoExecutablePath = Deno.execPath(); } catch (e) { options.log("Error calling Deno.execPath()", e); }
try { // call out to deno to handle bundling const p ={ cmd: [ denoExecutablePath, "bundle", fnFilePath, fnBundledPath, ], });
const status = await p.status(); if (status.code !== 0 || !status.success) { throw new Error(`Error bundling function file: ${fnId}`); }
options.log(`wrote function file: ${fnFileRelative}`); } catch (e) { options.log(`Error bundling function file: ${fnId}`); throw e; }};