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Library for building a Run on Slack Deno project.
import { Options } from "./types.ts";import { deepMerge, path } from "./deps.ts";
// Responsible for taking a working directory, and an output directory// and placing a manifest.json in the root of the output directory
export const createManifest = async (options: Options) => { let foundManifest = false; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let manifest: any = {};
const manifestJSON = await readManifestJSONFile(options); if (manifestJSON !== false) { manifest = deepMerge(manifest, manifestJSON); foundManifest = true; }
// First check if there's a manifest.ts file const manifestTS = await readImportedManifestFile(options, "manifest.ts"); if (manifestTS === false) { // Now check for a manifest.js file const manifestJS = await readImportedManifestFile(options, "manifest.js"); if (manifestJS !== false) { manifest = deepMerge(manifest, manifestJS); foundManifest = true; } } else { manifest = deepMerge(manifest, manifestTS); foundManifest = true; }
if (!foundManifest) { throw new Error( "Could not find a manifest.json, manifest.ts or manifest.json file", ); }
return manifest;};
// Remove any properties in the manifest specific to the tooling that don't belong in the API payloads// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport const cleanManifest = (manifest: any) => { for (const fnId in manifest.functions) { const fnDef = manifest.functions[fnId]; delete fnDef.source_file; }
return manifest;};
async function readManifestJSONFile(options: Options) { // Look for manifest.json in working directory // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let manifestJSON: any = {}; const manifestJSONFilePath = path.join( options.workingDirectory, "manifest.json", ); // - use as baseline
try { const { isFile } = await Deno.stat(manifestJSONFilePath);
if (!isFile) { return false; } } catch (_e) { return false; }
try { const jsonString = await Deno.readTextFile(manifestJSONFilePath); manifestJSON = JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch (err) { throw err; }
return manifestJSON;}
async function readImportedManifestFile(options: Options, filename: string) { // Look for manifest.js in working directory // - if present, default export should be a manifest json object // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let manifestJS: any = {}; const manifestJSFilePath = path.join(options.workingDirectory, filename); // - use as baseline
try { const { isFile } = await Deno.stat(manifestJSFilePath);
if (!isFile) { return false; } } catch (_e) { return false; }
try { const manifestJSFile = await import(`file://${manifestJSFilePath}`); if (manifestJSFile && manifestJSFile.default) { manifestJS = manifestJSFile.default; } } catch (err) { throw err; }
return manifestJS;}