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Helper library implementing the contract between the Slack CLI and Slack application SDKs
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import * as denoSlackHooks from "";


updateDependencies checks for SDK-related dependency updates. If updatable releases are found, dependency files are updated with the latest dependency versions and the project changes are cached.


createUpdateResp creates an object that contains each update, featuring information about the current and latest version, as well as if any errors occurred while attempting to update each.

updateDependencyFile reads the contents of a provided path, calls updateDependencyMap to swap out the current versions with the latest releases available, and then writes to the dependency file. Returns a summary of updates made.

updateDependencyMap takes in a map of the dependencies' key/value pairs and, if an update exists for a dependency of the same name in the releases provided, replaces the existing version with the latest version of the dependency. Returns an updated map of all dependencies, as well as an update summary of each.