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Helper library implementing the contract between the Slack CLI and Slack application SDKs
import { DENO_SLACK_API, DENO_SLACK_HOOKS, DENO_SLACK_SDK,} from "./libraries.ts";import { getProtocolInterface, JSONValue } from "./deps.ts";import { getJSON, isNewSemverRelease } from "./utilities.ts";
const IMPORT_MAP_SDKS = [DENO_SLACK_SDK, DENO_SLACK_API];const SLACK_JSON_SDKS = [ DENO_SLACK_HOOKS, // should be the only one needed now that the get-hooks hook is supported];
interface CheckUpdateResponse { name: string; releases: Release[]; message?: string; url?: string; error?: { message: string; } | null;}
interface VersionMap { [key: string]: Release;}
export interface Release { name: string; current?: string; latest?: string; update?: boolean; breaking?: boolean; message?: string; url?: string; error?: { message: string; } | null;}
interface InaccessibleFile { name: string; error: Error;}
export const checkForSDKUpdates = async () => { const { versionMap, inaccessibleFiles } = await createVersionMap(); const updateResp = createUpdateResp(versionMap, inaccessibleFiles); return updateResp;};
/** * createVersionMap creates an object that contains each dependency, * featuring information about the current and latest versions, as well * as if breaking changes are present and if any errors occurred during * version retrieval. */export async function createVersionMap(): Promise< { versionMap: VersionMap; inaccessibleFiles: InaccessibleFile[] }> { const { versionMap, inaccessibleFiles } = await readProjectDependencies();
// Check each dependency for updates, classify update as breaking or not, // craft message with information retrieved, and note any error that occurred. for (const [sdk, value] of Object.entries(versionMap)) { if (value) { const current = versionMap[sdk].current || ""; let latest = "", error = null;
try { latest = await fetchLatestModuleVersion(sdk); } catch (err) { error = err; }
const update = (!!current && !!latest) && isNewSemverRelease(current, latest); const breaking = hasBreakingChange(current, latest);
versionMap[sdk] = { ...versionMap[sdk], latest, update, breaking, error, }; } }
return { versionMap, inaccessibleFiles };}
/** readProjectDependencies cycles through supported project * dependency files and maps them to the versionMap that contains * each dependency's update information. */export async function readProjectDependencies(): Promise< { versionMap: VersionMap; inaccessibleFiles: InaccessibleFile[] }> { const cwd = Deno.cwd(); const versionMap: VersionMap = {}; const { dependencyFiles, inaccessibleDenoFiles } = await gatherDependencyFiles(cwd); const inaccessibleFiles = [...inaccessibleDenoFiles];
for (const [fileName, depKey] of dependencyFiles) { try { const fileJSON = await getJSON(`${cwd}/${fileName}`); const fileDependencies = extractDependencies(fileJSON, depKey);
// For each dependency found, compare to SDK-related dependency // list and, if known, update the versionMap with version information for (const [_, val] of fileDependencies) { for (const sdk of [...IMPORT_MAP_SDKS, ...SLACK_JSON_SDKS]) { if (val.includes(sdk)) { versionMap[sdk] = { name: sdk, current: extractVersion(val), }; } } } } catch (err) { inaccessibleFiles.push({ name: fileName, error: err }); } }
return { versionMap, inaccessibleFiles };}
/** * gatherDependencyFiles rounds up all SDK-supported dependency files, as well * as those dependency files referenced in deno.json or deno.jsonc, and returns * an array of arrays made up of filename and dependency key pairs. */export async function gatherDependencyFiles( cwd: string,): Promise< { dependencyFiles: [string, "imports" | "hooks"][]; inaccessibleDenoFiles: InaccessibleFile[]; }> { const dependencyFiles: [string, "imports" | "hooks"][] = [ ["slack.json", "hooks"], ["slack.jsonc", "hooks"], ];
// Parse deno.* files for `importMap` dependency file const { denoJSONDepFiles, inaccessibleDenoFiles } = await getDenoImportMapFiles(cwd); dependencyFiles.push(...denoJSONDepFiles);
return { dependencyFiles, inaccessibleDenoFiles };}
/** * getDenoImportMapFiles cycles through supported deno.* files and, * if an `importMap` key is found, returns an array of arrays made up * of filename and dependency key pairs. * * ex: [["import_map.json", "imports"], ["custom_map.json", "imports"]] */export async function getDenoImportMapFiles( cwd: string,): Promise< { denoJSONDepFiles: [string, "imports"][]; inaccessibleDenoFiles: InaccessibleFile[]; }> { const denoJSONFiles = ["deno.json", "deno.jsonc"]; const denoJSONDepFiles: [string, "imports"][] = []; const inaccessibleDenoFiles: InaccessibleFile[] = [];
for (const fileName of denoJSONFiles) { try { const denoJSON = await getJSON(`${cwd}/${fileName}`); const jsonIsParsable = denoJSON && typeof denoJSON === "object" && !Array.isArray(denoJSON) && denoJSON.importMap;
if (jsonIsParsable) { denoJSONDepFiles.push([`${denoJSON.importMap}`, "imports"]); } } catch (err) { inaccessibleDenoFiles.push({ name: fileName, error: err }); } }
return { denoJSONDepFiles, inaccessibleDenoFiles };}
/** * extractDependencies accepts the contents of a JSON file and a * top-level, file-specific key within that file that corresponds to * recognized project dependencies. If found, returns an array of key, * value pairs that make use of the dependencies. */export function extractDependencies( json: JSONValue, key: string,): [string, string][] { // Determine if the JSON passed is an object const jsonIsParsable = json !== null && typeof json === "object" && !Array.isArray(json);
if (jsonIsParsable) { const dependencyMap = json[key]; return dependencyMap ? Object.entries(dependencyMap) : []; }
return [];}
/** fetchLatestModuleVersion retrieves the published metadata.json that * contains all releases and returns the latest published version */export async function fetchLatestModuleVersion( moduleName: string,): Promise<string> { try { const res = await fetch(""); const jsonData = await res.json(); const hypenatedModuleName = moduleName.replaceAll("_", "-"); return jsonData[hypenatedModuleName].releases[0].version; } catch (err) { throw new Error(err); }}
/** * extractVersion takes in a URL formatted string, searches for a version, * and, if version is found, returns that version. * * Example input: */export function extractVersion(str: string): string { const at = str.indexOf("@");
// Doesn't contain an @ version if (at === -1) return "";
const slash = str.indexOf("/", at); const version = slash < at ? str.substring(at + 1) : str.substring(at + 1, slash); return version;}
/** * hasBreakingChange determines whether or not there is a * major version difference of greater or equal to 1 between the current * and latest version. */export function hasBreakingChange(current: string, latest: string): boolean { const currMajor = current.split(".")[0]; const latestMajor = latest.split(".")[0]; return +latestMajor - +currMajor >= 1;}
/** * createUpdateResp creates and returns an CheckUpdateResponse object * that contains information about a collection of release dependencies * in the shape of an object that the CLI expects to consume */export function createUpdateResp( versionMap: VersionMap, inaccessibleFiles: InaccessibleFile[],): CheckUpdateResponse { const name = "the Slack SDK"; const releases = []; const message = ""; const url = ""; const fileErrorMsg = createFileErrorMsg(inaccessibleFiles);
let error = null; let errorMsg = "";
// Output information for each dependency for (const sdk of Object.values(versionMap)) { // Dependency has an update OR the fetch of update failed if (sdk) { releases.push(sdk);
// Add the dependency that failed to be fetched to the top-level error message if (sdk.error && sdk.error.message) { errorMsg += errorMsg ? `, ${}` : `An error occurred fetching updates for the following packages: ${}`; } } }
// If there were issues accessing dependency files, append error message(s) if (inaccessibleFiles.length) { errorMsg += errorMsg ? `\n\n ${fileErrorMsg}` : fileErrorMsg; }
if (errorMsg) error = { message: errorMsg };
return { name, message, releases, url, error, };}
/** * createFileErrorMsg creates and returns an error message that * contains lightly formatted information about the dependency * files that were found but otherwise inaccessible/unreadable. */export function createFileErrorMsg( inaccessibleFiles: InaccessibleFile[],): string { let fileErrorMsg = "";
// There were issues with reading some of the files that were found for (const file of inaccessibleFiles) { // Skip surfacing error to user if supported file was merely not found if (file.error.cause instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) continue;
fileErrorMsg += fileErrorMsg ? `\n ${}: ${file.error.message}` : `An error occurred while reading the following files: \n\n ${}: ${file.error.message}`; }
return fileErrorMsg;}
if (import.meta.main) { const protocol = getProtocolInterface(Deno.args); protocol.respond(JSON.stringify(await checkForSDKUpdates()));}