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Helper library implementing the contract between the Slack CLI and Slack application SDKs
interface Protocol
import { type Protocol } from "";

An interface encapsulating a specific set of communication rules that both the SDK and the CLI implement.


name: string

Label representing the protocol name, as identified by the slack-cli

log: console.log

Logging utility allowing for SDK or userland code to log diagnostic info that will be surfaced by the CLI.

error: console.error

Logging utility allowing for SDK or userland code to log error info that will be surfaced by the CLI.

warn: console.warn

Logging utility allowing for SDK or userland code to provide warnings that will be surfaced by the CLI.

respond: (data: string) => void

Utility method for responding to CLI hook invocations.

getCLIFlags: () => string[]

Retrieve all command-line flags related to the specific protocol implementation. May be useful if child processes are being spawned by the SDK, such as in local-run mode of deno-slack-runtime.

install: () => void

If exists, provides the SDK an opportunity for the protocol to 'install' itself into the runtime. Inspired by mocking/testing utilities' setup/teardown methods for stubbing/mocking out functionality. Ensures, for example, that any protocol's expectations around stdout/stderr usage is honoured by userland or SDK code.

uninstall: () => void

If exists, provides the SDK an opportunity for the protocol to 'uninstall' itself from the runtime.