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Helper library implementing the contract between the Slack CLI and Slack application SDKs
import { deepMerge, getProtocolInterface, path } from "./deps.ts";import { getDefaultExport, validateManifestFunctions } from "./utilities.ts";
// Responsible for taking a working directory, and an output directory// and placing a manifest.json in the root of the output directory
/** * Returns a merged manifest object from expected files used to represent an application manifest: * `manifest.json`, `manifest.ts` and `manifest.js`. If both a `json` and `ts` _or_ `js` are present, * then first the `json` file will be used as a base object, then the `.ts` or the `.js` file export * will be merged over the `json` file. If a `.ts` file exists, the `.js` will be ignored. Otherwise, * the `.js` file will be merged over the `.json`. * @param {string} cwd - Absolute path to the root of an application. */export const getManifest = async (cwd: string) => { let foundManifest = false; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let manifest: any = {};
const manifestJSON = await readManifestJSONFile(path.join( cwd, "manifest.json", )); if (manifestJSON !== false) { manifest = deepMerge(manifest, manifestJSON); foundManifest = true; }
// First check if there's a manifest.ts file const manifestTS = await readImportedManifestFile( path.join(cwd, "manifest.ts"), ); if (manifestTS === false) { // Now check for a manifest.js file const manifestJS = await readImportedManifestFile( path.join(cwd, "manifest.js"), ); if (manifestJS !== false) { manifest = deepMerge(manifest, manifestJS); foundManifest = true; } } else { manifest = deepMerge(manifest, manifestTS); foundManifest = true; }
if (!foundManifest) { throw new Error( "Could not find a manifest.json, manifest.ts or manifest.js file", ); }
return manifest;};
// Remove any properties in the manifest specific to the tooling that don't belong in the API payloads// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport const cleanManifest = (manifest: any) => { for (const fnId in manifest.functions) { const fnDef = manifest.functions[fnId]; delete fnDef.source_file; }
return manifest;};
/** * Reads and parses an app's `manifest.json` file, and returns its contents. If the file does not exist * or otherwise reading the file fails, returns `false`. If the file contents are invalid JSON, this method * will throw an exception. * @param {string} manifestJSONFilePath - Absolute path to an app's `manifest.json` file. */async function readManifestJSONFile(manifestJSONFilePath: string) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let manifestJSON: any = {};
try { const { isFile } = await Deno.stat(manifestJSONFilePath);
if (!isFile) { return false; } } catch (_e) { return false; }
const jsonString = await Deno.readTextFile(manifestJSONFilePath); manifestJSON = JSON.parse(jsonString);
return manifestJSON;}
/** * Reads and parses an app's manifest file, and returns its contents. The file is expected to be one that the * deno runtime can import, and one that returns a default export. If the file does not exist otherwise reading * the file fails, returns `false`. If the file does not contain a default export, this method will throw and * exception. * @param {string} filename - Absolute path to an app's manifest file, to be imported by the deno runtime. */async function readImportedManifestFile(filename: string) { // Look for manifest.[js|ts] in working directory // - if present, default export should be a manifest json object try { const { isFile } = await Deno.stat(filename);
if (!isFile) { return false; } } catch (_e) { return false; }
// `getDefaultExport` will throw if no default export present const manifest = await getDefaultExport(filename); if (typeof manifest != "object") { throw new Error( `Manifest file: ${filename} default export is not an object!`, ); } return manifest;}
/** * Retrieves a merged application manifest, validates the manifest and all its specified functions, * and cleans up any bits from it not relevant for the Slack manifest APIs. * @param {string} applicationRoot - An absolute path to the application root, which presumably contains manifest files. */export async function getValidateAndCleanManifest(applicationRoot: string) { const generatedManifest = await getManifest(applicationRoot); await validateManifestFunctions(applicationRoot, generatedManifest); return cleanManifest(generatedManifest);}
if (import.meta.main) { const protocol = getProtocolInterface(Deno.args); const prunedManifest = await getValidateAndCleanManifest(Deno.cwd()); protocol.respond(JSON.stringify(prunedManifest));}