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Helper library implementing the contract between the Slack CLI and Slack application SDKs
import { getProtocolInterface, parseCLIArguments, path } from "./deps.ts";import { getDefaultExport } from "./utilities.ts";
export const getTrigger = async (args: string[]) => { const source = parseCLIArguments(args).source as string;
if (!source) throw new Error("A source path needs to be defined");
const fullPath = path.isAbsolute(source) ? source : path.join(Deno.cwd(), source || "");
return await readFile(fullPath);};
const readFile = async (path: string) => { try { const { isFile } = await Deno.stat(path); if (!isFile) throw new Error("The specified source is not a valid file."); if (path.endsWith(".json")) return readJSONFile(path); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { throw new Error("Trigger Definition file cannot be found"); } throw e; } // `getDefaultExport` will throw if no default export exists in module const trigger = await getDefaultExport(path); if (typeof trigger != "object") { throw new Error(`Trigger file: ${path} default export is not an object!`); } return trigger;};
const readJSONFile = async (path: string) => { const jsonString = await Deno.readTextFile(path); return JSON.parse(jsonString);};
if (import.meta.main) { const protocol = getProtocolInterface(Deno.args); protocol.respond( JSON.stringify(await getTrigger(Deno.args)), );}