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Helper library for running a Run on Slack Deno function
import * as denoSlackRuntime from "";


A mocking and spying library.


An error related to spying on a function or instance method.


Replace globalThis.fetch with mockedFetch (or another function that matches the fetch signature)

Mock a new route, or override an existing handler.

This is the function that replaces fetch when you call install().

Remove an existing route handler.

Remove all existing route handlers.

Restore globalThis.fetch to what it was before this library was imported.


Make an assertion that actual and expected are equal, deeply. If not deeply equal, then throw.

Make an assertion that actual is not null or undefined. If not then throw.

Make an assertion that actual match RegExp expected. If not then throw.

Executes a function which returns a promise, expecting it to reject.

Make an assertion that actual includes expected. If not then throw.

Executes a function, expecting it to throw. If it does not, then it throws.

Forcefully throws a failed assertion

Asserts that a spy is called as expected.

Asserts that a spy is called with a specific arg as expected.

Asserts that an async spy is called as expected.

Asserts that a spy is called as much as expected and no more.

Creates a session that tracks all mocks created before it's restored. If a callback is provided, it restores all mocks created within it.

Creates an async session that tracks all mocks created before the promise resolves.

Creates a function that resolves the awaited iterable values. Any awaited iterable values that are errors will be thrown.

Restores all mocks registered in the current session that have not already been restored. If an id is provided, it will restore all mocks registered in the session associed with that id that have not already been restored.

Creates a function that returns one of its arguments.

Creates a function that returns its arguments or a subset of them. If end is specified, it will return arguments up to but not including the end.

Creates a function that returns the iterable values. Any iterable values that are errors will be thrown.

Creates a function that returns the instance the method was called on.

Wraps a function or instance method with a Spy.

Replaces an instance method with a Stub.

Get a set of functions that do not share any state with the globals.


Call information recorded by a spy.

A function or instance method wrapper that records all calls made to it.

Call information recorded by a spy.

An instance method replacement that records all calls made to it.

A function or instance method wrapper that records all calls made to it.

Type Aliases

A handler type for a router path match which gets passed the matched values