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Helper library for running a Run on Slack Deno function
import { BaseSlackAPIClient, Protocol } from "./deps.ts";import { BaseHandlerArgs, EventTypes, FunctionModule } from "./types.ts";import { UnhandledEventError } from "./run-unhandled-event.ts";
export const RunFunction = async ( baseHandlerArgs: BaseHandlerArgs, functionModule: FunctionModule, hookCLI: Protocol,): Promise<void> => { // TODO: should we throw if this cannot be found? Alternatively / in addition, if calls below to complete* APIs fail, maybe we should throw then? const functionExecutionId = baseHandlerArgs.body.event?.function_execution_id; // TODO: in the future, if we add more of this kind of logging, then perhaps worth considering moving to a structured logger with different log levels // this would reduce the amount of `if (debugMode) log(something)` conditional code // e.g. const debugMode = baseHandlerArgs.env["SLACK_DEBUG"] == "true";
if (!functionModule.default) { throw new UnhandledEventError( `Received a ${EventTypes.FUNCTION_EXECUTED} payload but the function does not define a default handler`, ); }
const client = new BaseSlackAPIClient(baseHandlerArgs.token, { slackApiUrl: baseHandlerArgs.env["SLACK_API_URL"], });
// We don't catch any errors the handlers may throw, we let them throw, and stop the process const { completed = true, outputs = {}, error } = await functionModule .default({ ...baseHandlerArgs, event: baseHandlerArgs.body.event, });
// App has indicated there's an unrecoverable error with this function invocation if (error) { const errorPayload = { error, function_execution_id: functionExecutionId, }; if (debugMode) { hookCLI.log( "functions.completeError request payload:", JSON.stringify(errorPayload, null, 2), ); } const errorResp = await client.apiCall( "functions.completeError", errorPayload, ); if (debugMode) { hookCLI.log("functions.completeError response payload:", errorResp); } return; }
// App has indicated its function completed successfully if (completed) { const successPayload = { outputs, function_execution_id: functionExecutionId, }; if (debugMode) { hookCLI.log( "functions.completeSuccess request payload:", JSON.stringify(successPayload, null, 2), ); } const successResp = await client.apiCall( "functions.completeSuccess", successPayload, ); if (debugMode) { hookCLI.log("functions.completeSuccess response payload:", successResp); } return; }};