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Helper library for running a Run on Slack Deno function
import { BaseHandlerArgs, EventTypes, FunctionModule, ViewSubmissionInvocationBody,} from "./types.ts";import { UnhandledEventError } from "./run-unhandled-event.ts";
export const RunViewSubmission = async ( baseHandlerArgs: BaseHandlerArgs, functionModule: FunctionModule, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any): Promise<any> => { const handler = functionModule.viewSubmission || functionModule.default?.viewSubmission; if (!handler) { throw new UnhandledEventError( `Received a ${EventTypes.VIEW_SUBMISSION} payload but the function does not define a viewSubmission handler`, ); }
const viewSubmissionBody = baseHandlerArgs .body as ViewSubmissionInvocationBody; // We don't catch any errors the handlers may throw, we let them throw, and stop the process // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const response: any = await handler({ ...baseHandlerArgs, body: viewSubmissionBody, view: viewSubmissionBody.view, });
return response || {};};