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type alias BlockActionsBody
import { type BlockActionsBody } from "";
definition: { [key: string]: any; actions: BlockAction[]; api_app_id: string; channel?: { id: string; name: string; }; enterprise: { id: string; name: string; } | null; is_enterprise_install: boolean; message?: { app_id: string; blocks: BlockElement[]; is_locked: boolean; latest_reply?: string; metadata?: { event_type: string; event_payload: { [key: string]: any; }; }; reply_count: number; reply_users: string[]; reply_users_count: number; team: string; text: string; thread_ts: string; ts: string; type: "message"; user: string; }; team: { domain: string; id: string; }; token: string; trigger_id: string; user: { id: string; name: string; team_id: string; }; }