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The Tree Sitter for Deno!

This is a patched version of the web-tree-sitter made to run on Deno.


Thanks to Deno, some boilerplate was able to be removed!

The Legacy web-tree-sitter Way 🤢

const Parser = require('web-tree-sitter');

(async () => {
  await Parser.init();
  const parser = new Parser();
  const Lang = await Parser.Language.load('tree-sitter-javascript.wasm');
  const tree = parser.parse('let x = 1;');

The New Way ✨

import { Parser, parserFromWasm } from ""
import javascript from ""

const parser = await parserFromWasm(javascript) // path or Uint8Array
const tree = parser.parse('let x = 1;')

Alternatively load from a file:

import { Parser, parserFromWasm } from ""

// see
// for getting wasm files for different languages
const parser = await parserFromWasm('./path/to/javascript.wasm')
const tree = parser.parse('let x = 1;')

Data Structure

import { Parser, parserFromWasm } from ""
import rust from ""

const parser = await parserFromWasm(rust)
const tree = parser.parse('fn main() { }')

tree.language.types  // array 
tree.language.fields // array 
tree.rootNode.text == "fn main() { }" // true
tree.rootNode = {
  type: "source_file",
  typeId: 139,
  startPosition: { row: 0, column: 0 },
  startIndex: 0,
  endPosition: { row: 0, column: 13 },
  endIndex: 13,
  indent: undefined,
  hasChildren: true,
  children: [
      type: "function_item",
      typeId: 170,
      startPosition: { row: 0, column: 0 },
      startIndex: 0,
      endPosition: { row: 0, column: 13 },
      endIndex: 13,
      indent: undefined,
      hasChildren: true,
      children: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ]

Handy Tools/Usage


I aggregated some wasm parser here for quick usage.

import html from ""
import c from ""
import python from ""
import bash from ""
import typescript from ""
import yaml from ""
import javascript from ""
import rust from ""
import css from ""
import json from ""
import wat from ""
import wast from ""
import tsx from ""
import toml from ""
import nix from ""
import cpp from ""
import gitignore from ""
import treeSitterQuery from ""


It is surprisingly handy to be able to iterate over every node (at any depth) in order.

import { parserFromWasm, flatNodeList } from ""
import javascript from ""
const parser = await parserFromWasm(javascript) // path or Uint8Array
const tree = parser.parse(`
    function thing(arg1) {
        let a = 10

// example with nice printout:
let indent = ""
for (const [ parents, node, direction ] of tree.rootNode.traverse()) {
    const isLeafNode = direction == "-"
    if (isLeafNode) {
        console.log(indent+`<${node.type} text=${JSON.stringify(node.text)} />`)
    } if (direction == "->") {
        indent += "    "
    } else if (direction == "<-") {
        indent = indent.slice(0,-4)

// prints:
// <program>
//     <function_declaration>
//         <function text="function" />
//         <identifier text="thing" />
//         <formal_parameters>
//             <( text="(" />
//             <identifier text="arg1" />
//             <) text=")" />
//         </formal_parameters>
//         <statement_block>
//             <{ text="{" />
//             <lexical_declaration>
//                 <let text="let" />
//                 <variable_declarator>
//                     <identifier text="a" />
//                     <= text="=" />
//                     <number text="10" />
//                 </variable_declarator>
//             </lexical_declaration>
//             <} text="}" />
//         </statement_block>
//     </function_declaration>
// </program>

Whitespace Nodes

Most tree sitter parsers don’t have whitespace nodes, they just skip the whitespace. This means doing a .join(“”) on the code doesn’t reproduce the original input. This argument solves that problem by auto-injecting whitespace nodes into any parsed output!

import { parserFromWasm } from ""
import javascript from ""

const parser = await parserFromWasm(javascript)
const tree = parser.parse({string: 'let x = 1;', withWhitespace: true })
// NOTE:
    // 1. theres 1 edgecase: the root node will have a rootLeadingWhitespace attribute
    //    because there isn't a practical way of inserting a whitespace node infront of the
    //    root node. (But whitespace can appead infront of the root node)
    // 2. the rest of the tree will contain whitespace nodes
    // 3. existing nodes will have an "indent" attribute
    //    Every node on an indented line has the non-empty indent value, not just the first node

Code 2 JSON

For quick analysis and debugging, its always nice to convert a parsed document to JSON.

import { parserFromWasm } from ""
import javascript from ""

const parser = await parserFromWasm(javascript)
const tree = parser.parse({string: 'let x = 1;', withWhitespace: true })

// this used to not work! I added support for it
        4, // indent=4
const outputLooksLike = {
    "type": "program",
    "typeId": 125,
    "startPosition": {
        "row": 0,
        "column": 0
    "startIndex": 0,
    "endPosition": {
        "row": 0,
        "column": 10
    "endIndex": 10,
    "indent": "",
    "rootLeadingWhitespace": "",
    "children": [
            "type": "lexical_declaration",
            "typeId": 138,
            "startPosition": {
                "row": 0,
                "column": 0
            "startIndex": 0,
            "endPosition": {
                "row": 0,
                "column": 10
            "endIndex": 10,
            "indent": "",
            "children": [
                    "type": "let",
                    "typeId": 13,
                    "startPosition": {
                        "row": 0,
                        "column": 0
                    "startIndex": 0,
                    "endPosition": {
                        "row": 0,
                        "column": 3
                    "endIndex": 3,
                    "indent": "",
                    "text": "let",
                    "children": []
                    "type": "whitespace",
                    "typeId": -1,
                    "startIndex": 3,
                    "endIndex": 4,
                    "indent": "",
                    "text": " ",
                    "children": []
                    "type": "variable_declarator",
                    "typeId": 139,
                    "startPosition": {
                        "row": 0,
                        "column": 4
                    "startIndex": 4,
                    "endPosition": {
                        "row": 0,
                        "column": 9
                    "endIndex": 9,
                    "indent": "",
                    "children": [
                            "type": "identifier",
                            "typeId": 1,
                            "startPosition": {
                                "row": 0,
                                "column": 4
                            "startIndex": 4,
                            "endPosition": {
                                "row": 0,
                                "column": 5
                            "endIndex": 5,
                            "indent": "",
                            "text": "x",
                            "children": []
                            "type": "whitespace",
                            "typeId": -1,
                            "startIndex": 5,
                            "endIndex": 6,
                            "indent": "",
                            "text": " ",
                            "children": []
                            "type": "=",
                            "typeId": 39,
                            "startPosition": {
                                "row": 0,
                                "column": 6
                            "startIndex": 6,
                            "endPosition": {
                                "row": 0,
                                "column": 7
                            "endIndex": 7,
                            "indent": "",
                            "text": "=",
                            "children": []
                            "type": "whitespace",
                            "typeId": -1,
                            "startIndex": 7,
                            "endIndex": 8,
                            "indent": "",
                            "text": " ",
                            "children": []
                            "type": "number",
                            "typeId": 109,
                            "startPosition": {
                                "row": 0,
                                "column": 8
                            "startIndex": 8,
                            "endPosition": {
                                "row": 0,
                                "column": 9
                            "endIndex": 9,
                            "indent": "",
                            "text": "1",
                            "children": []
                    "type": ";",
                    "typeId": 33,
                    "startPosition": {
                        "row": 0,
                        "column": 9
                    "startIndex": 9,
                    "endPosition": {
                        "row": 0,
                        "column": 10
                    "endIndex": 10,
                    "indent": "",
                    "text": ";",
                    "children": []


There’s a whole query syntax explained here but here’s how to use it:

// setup
import { Parser, parserFromWasm } from ""
import javascript from ""
var parser = await parserFromWasm(javascript) // path or Uint8Array
var tree = parser.parse('let a = 1;let b = 1;let c = 1;')
var root = tree.rootNode

// quickQuery will return the high level node, even if you dont specify names (like @name1)
    var firstLexicalNode = root.quickQuery(`(lexical_declaration)`)[0]
    // Alternatively:
    var firstLexicalNode = root.quickQueryFirst(`(lexical_declaration)`)

// quickQueryFirst
    var firstIdentifierNode = root.quickQueryFirst(`(lexical_declaration)`).quickQueryFirst(`(identifier)`)

// you can also specify extraction names
    var { blahInner, blahOuter } = root.quickQuery(`(lexical_declaration (identifier) @blahInner ) @blahOuter`)[0]

// full .query()
    // basic
    var results = tree.rootNode.query(`(identifier) @blahBlahBlah`)
    // capped count
    var results = tree.rootNode.query(`(identifier) @blahBlahBlah`, { matchLimit: 2 })
    // limited range
    var results = tree.rootNode.query(
        `(identifier) @blahBlahBlah`,
            matchLimit: 2,
            startPosition: { row: 0, column: 0 },
            endPosition: {row: 1000, column: 1000}

// ouput structure
results == [
        pattern: 0,
        captures: [
                name: "blahBlahBlah",
                node: {
                    type: "identifier",
                    typeId: 1,
                    startPosition: { row: 0, column: 4 },
                    startIndex: 4,
                    endPosition: { row: 0, column: 5 },
                    endIndex: 5,
                    indent: undefined,
                    hasChildren: false,
                    children: []
        pattern: 0,
        captures: [
                name: "blahBlahBlah",
                node: {
                    type: "identifier",
                    typeId: 1,
                    startPosition: { row: 0, column: 14 },
                    startIndex: 14,
                    endPosition: { row: 0, column: 15 },
                    endIndex: 15,
                    indent: undefined,
                    hasChildren: false,
                    children: []
        pattern: 0,
        captures: [
                name: "blahBlahBlah",
                node: {
                    type: "identifier",
                    typeId: 1,
                    startPosition: { row: 0, column: 24 },
                    startIndex: 24,
                    endPosition: { row: 0, column: 25 },
                    endIndex: 25,
                    indent: undefined,
                    hasChildren: false,
                    children: []

Original Documentation (from web-tree-sitter)

Now you can parse source code:

const sourceCode = 'let x = 1; console.log(x);';
const tree = parser.parse(sourceCode);

and inspect the syntax tree.


// (program
//   (lexical_declaration
//     (variable_declarator (identifier) (number)))
//   (expression_statement
//     (call_expression
//       (member_expression (identifier) (property_identifier))
//       (arguments (identifier)))))

const callExpression = tree.rootNode.child(1).firstChild;

// { type: 'call_expression',
//   startPosition: {row: 0, column: 16},
//   endPosition: {row: 0, column: 30},
//   startIndex: 0,
//   endIndex: 30 }


If your source code changes, you can update the syntax tree. This will take less time than the first parse.

// Replace 'let' with 'const'
const newSourceCode = 'const x = 1; console.log(x);';

  startIndex: 0,
  oldEndIndex: 3,
  newEndIndex: 5,
  startPosition: {row: 0, column: 0},
  oldEndPosition: {row: 0, column: 3},
  newEndPosition: {row: 0, column: 5},

const newTree = parser.parse(newSourceCode, tree);

Parsing Text From a Custom Data Structure

If your text is stored in a data structure other than a single string, you can parse it by supplying a callback to parse instead of a string:

const sourceLines = [
  'let x = 1;',

const tree = parser.parse((index, position) => {
  let line = sourceLines[position.row];
  if (line) return line.slice(position.column);

API Reference

parser.parse(sourceCode).rootNode.descendantsOfType(t, r, s) 
parser.parse(sourceCode).rootNode.descendantForIndex(t, r=t) 
parser.parse(sourceCode).rootNode.namedDescendantForIndex(t, r=t) 
parser.parse(sourceCode).rootNode.descendantForPosition(t, r=t) 
parser.parse(sourceCode).rootNode.namedDescendantForPosition(t, r=t) 