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MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB ORM for Deno
import type { SQLQueryBuilder } from "../deps.ts";import type { FieldAlias, FieldValue, Values } from "./data-types.ts";import { Model, ModelDefaults, ModelFields, ModelSchema } from "./model.ts";
export type Query = string;export type Operator = ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "=" | "like";export type OrderDirection = "desc" | "asc";export type QueryType = | "create" | "drop" | "truncate" | "select" | "insert" | "update" | "delete" | "count" | "min" | "max" | "avg" | "sum";
export type JoinClause = { joinTable: string; originField: string; targetField: string;};
export type WhereClause = { field: string; operator: Operator; value: FieldValue;};
export type WhereInClause = { field: string; possibleValues: FieldValue[];};
export type OrderByClauses = { [field: string]: OrderDirection;};
export type QueryDescription = { schema: ModelSchema; type?: QueryType; table?: string; select?: (string | FieldAlias)[]; orderBy?: OrderByClauses; groupBy?: string; wheres?: WhereClause[]; whereIn?: WhereInClause; joins?: JoinClause[]; leftOuterJoins?: JoinClause[]; leftJoins?: JoinClause[]; aggregatorField?: string; limit?: number; offset?: number; ifExists?: boolean; fields?: ModelFields; fieldsDefaults?: ModelDefaults; timestamps?: boolean; values?: Values | Values[];};
export type QueryResult = {};
export type Builder = typeof SQLQueryBuilder;
/** Create queries descriptions. */export class QueryBuilder { _query: QueryDescription = { schema: Model };
/** Create a fresh new query. */ queryForSchema(schema: ModelSchema): QueryBuilder { return new QueryBuilder().schema(schema); }
schema(schema: ModelSchema) { this._query.schema = schema; return this; }
toDescription(): QueryDescription { return this._query; }
table(table: string) { this._query.table = table; return this; }
get() { this._query.type = "select"; return this; }
all() { return this.get(); }
createTable( fields: ModelFields, fieldsDefaults: ModelDefaults, { withTimestamps, ifNotExists, }: { withTimestamps: boolean; ifNotExists: boolean; }, ) { this._query.type = "create"; this._query.ifExists = ifNotExists ? false : true; this._query.fields = fields; this._query.fieldsDefaults = fieldsDefaults; this._query.timestamps = withTimestamps; return this; }
dropIfExists() { this._query.type = "drop"; this._query.ifExists = true; return this; }
truncate() { this._query.type = "truncate"; return this; }
select(...fields: (string | FieldAlias)[]) { = fields; return this; }
create(values: Values[]) { this._query.type = "insert"; this._query.values = values; return this; }
find(field: string, possibleValues: FieldValue[]) { this._query.type = "select"; this._query.whereIn = { field, possibleValues, }; return this; }
orderBy( field: string, orderDirection: OrderDirection, ) { if (!this._query.orderBy) { this._query.orderBy = {}; } this._query.orderBy[field] = orderDirection; return this; }
groupBy(field: string) { this._query.groupBy = field; return this; }
limit(limit: number) { this._query.limit = limit; return this; }
offset(offset: number) { this._query.offset = offset; return this; }
where( field: string, operator: Operator, value: FieldValue, ) { if (!this._query.wheres) { this._query.wheres = []; }
const whereClause = { field, operator, value, };
const existingWhereForFieldIndex = this._query.wheres.findIndex((where) => where.field === field );
if (existingWhereForFieldIndex === -1) { this._query.wheres.push(whereClause); } else { this._query.wheres[existingWhereForFieldIndex] = whereClause; }
return this; }
update(values: Values) { this._query.type = "update"; this._query.values = values; return this; }
delete() { this._query.type = "delete"; return this; }
join( joinTable: string, originField: string, targetField: string, ) { if (!this._query.joins) { this._query.joins = []; }
this._query.joins.push({ joinTable, originField, targetField, });
return this; }
leftOuterJoin( joinTable: string, originField: string, targetField: string, ) { if (!this._query.leftOuterJoins) { this._query.leftOuterJoins = []; }
this._query.leftOuterJoins.push({ joinTable, originField, targetField, });
return this; }
leftJoin( joinTable: string, originField: string, targetField: string, ) { if (!this._query.leftJoins) { this._query.leftJoins = []; }
this._query.leftJoins.push({ joinTable, originField, targetField, });
return this; }
count(field: string) { this._query.type = "count"; this._query.aggregatorField = field; return this; }
min(field: string) { this._query.type = "min"; this._query.aggregatorField = field; return this; }
max(field: string) { this._query.type = "max"; this._query.aggregatorField = field; return this; }
sum(field: string) { this._query.type = "sum"; this._query.aggregatorField = field; return this; }
avg(field: string) { this._query.type = "avg"; this._query.aggregatorField = field; return this; }}