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WebAssembly port of Deflate, Gzip, and Zlib compression algorithms
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import { readFileSync, rmSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
const wasm = readFileSync("./wasm/pkg/foras_bg.wasm")
writeFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.wasm.js`, `export const data = "data:application/wasm;base64,${wasm.toString("base64")}";`);writeFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.wasm.d.ts`, `export const data: string;`);
const disposableJs = ` [Symbol.dispose]() { }`
const disposableTs = ` [Symbol.dispose](): void`
const glueJs = readFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.js`, "utf8") .replace("async function __wbg_init", "export async function __wbg_init") .replace("input = new URL('foras_bg.wasm', import.meta.url);", "throw new Error();") .replaceAll("getArrayU8FromWasm0(r0, r1).slice()", "new Slice(r0, r1)") .replaceAll("wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1 * 1)", "") .replaceAll("@returns {Uint8Array}", "@returns {Slice}") .replaceAll(" free() {", disposableJs + "\n" + " free() {")
const glueTs = readFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.d.ts`, "utf8") .replace("export default function __wbg_init", "export function __wbg_init") .replaceAll("@returns {Uint8Array}", "@returns {Slice}") .replaceAll(": Uint8Array;", ": Slice;") .replaceAll(" free(): void;", disposableTs + "\n" + " free(): void;")
const preJs = `import { Ok } from "@hazae41/result"`
const postJs = `export class Slice {
/** * @param {number} ptr * @param {number} len **/ constructor(ptr, len) { this.ptr = ptr this.len = len this.start = (ptr >>> 0) / 1 this.end = this.start + len }
/** * @returns {void} **/ [Symbol.dispose]() { }
/** * @returns {Uint8Array} **/ get bytes() { return getUint8Memory0().subarray(this.start, this.end) }
/** * @returns {void} **/ free() { wasm.__wbindgen_free(this.ptr, this.len * 1); }
/** * @returns {Uint8Array} **/ copyAndDispose() { const bytes = this.bytes.slice() return bytes }
/** * @returns {Result<number,never>} */ trySize() { return new Ok(this.len) }
/** * @param {Cursor} cursor * @returns {Result<void, CursorWriteError>} */ tryWrite(cursor) { return cursor.tryWrite(this.bytes) }
const preTs = `import type { Result } from "@hazae41/result"import type { Cursor, CursorWriteError } from "@hazae41/cursor"`
const postTs = `export class Slice {
readonly ptr: number
readonly len: number
constructor(ptr: number, len: number);
/** * Free the bytes **/ [Symbol.dispose](): void
/** * Get the bytes in memory **/ get bytes(): Uint8Array
/** * Free the bytes **/ free(): void
/** * Copy the bytes and free them **/ copyAndDispose(): Uint8Array
trySize(): Result<number, never>
tryWrite(cursor: Cursor): Result<void, CursorWriteError>
writeFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.js`, preJs + "\n" + glueJs + "\n" + postJs)writeFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.d.ts`, preTs + "\n" + glueTs + "\n" + postTs)
rmSync(`./wasm/pkg/.gitignore`, { force: true });