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A script for generating Git hooks by extending Deno’s configuration file.

Installation or Running

You can install denoh globally by running deno install command, or run by running deno run

Note: To run/install a specific version, you can add version specifier after /x/denoh/ part of URL with any valid tag. If you want to use version 1.0.0 for example, replace mentioned part with /x/denoh@v1.0.0/.

Note: Older versions of denoh can be found at its GitHub repository, and can be run/installed like above with only changing the URL to a raw source file.


Since Git hooks are set by extending Deno’s configuration file, we need to create a Deno config file (Deno.{json,jsonc}) if not exists. Denoh looks for githooks key of the configuration file, so to create a Git hook, pass any valid Git hook name to githooks object, and pass your script/task commands inside an array of strings. Let’s say our Deno configuration file is this example below:

  "tasks": {
    "lint": "deno lint",
    "lint:fmt": "deno fmt --check"
  // All hook values must be array of strings.
  "githooks": {
    // You can pass a Deno task by writing the exact name of it:
    "pre-commit": ["lint"],
    // Or you can pass any shell command with an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the string:
    "post-commit": ["!echo 'Added commit'"],
    // And you can mix them together:
    "post-checkout": [
      "!echo 'Changed branch, running lint tasks...'",
      "lint ; lint:fmt", // denoh supports logical AND, OR and command separators
      "!echo 'Tasks ran successfully.'"

To generate Git hooks, run denoh. This will create pre-commit, post-commit and post-checkout hooks with the following contents:

## file -> .git/hooks/pre-commit

deno task lint

## file -> .git/hooks/post-commit

echo 'Added commit'

## file -> .git/hooks/post-checkout

echo 'Changed branch, running lint tasks...'
deno task lint ; deno task lint:fmt
echo 'Tasks ran successfully.'

Running at different folder or configuration files

You can pass folder name or configuration file name by passing its path as an argument. If the entered path is different, it will create Git hooks in the entered folder.

❯ denoh ../my-beautiful-project
❯ denoh

Exit Codes

0 243 244 245 246 247 248 255
Script ran successfully. Configuration file is not found. Could not parse configuration file. Configuration file does not have githooks field. githooks value on configuration file is not an Object. No hook created. Entered path is not a Git repository. Unknown error.