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//prodCollection will be replaced by the mockCollection via import mapimport prodCollection from "./prodCollection.ts";//replace ../../mod.ts with { MockCollection } from "../../mod.ts"import { Filter, FindOptions, assertSpyCallAsync, Spy } from "../example_deps.ts"
//example function to be testedfunction exampleDatabaseCall() { prodCollection.findOne({ id: "example" }, {limit: 1})}

Deno.test("simple example", () => { //define the MockCollections behaviour when calling the findOne function MockCollection.initMock({ findOne: (_filter?: Filter<unknown> | undefined, _options?: FindOptions | undefined): Promise<unknown> => { return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => { resolve({ id:"example"}) }) } })
//execute the function exampleDatabaseCall()
//check whether the findOne Method was called correctly and returned the correct values assertSpyCallAsync(MockCollection.getInstance().findOne as Spy<any>, 0, {args: [{id: "example"}, {limit: 1}], returned: {id: "example"}})