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πŸ‘€ Monitor any changes in your Deno application and automatically restart.
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// Copyright 2020-present the denosaurs team. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { Watcher, FileEvent } from "./src/watcher.ts";import { Runner } from "./src/runner.ts";import { Daemon } from "./src/daemon.ts";
import { printAvailableScripts, printHelp, initializeConfig, grantPermissions, upgrade, autocomplete,} from "./src/cli.ts";import { readConfig, CompleteDenonConfig, reConfig } from "./src/config.ts";import { parseArgs } from "./src/args.ts";import log from "./src/log.ts";
export const VERSION = "2.3.0";export const BRANCH = "master";
const logger = log.prefix("main");
/** Events you can listen to when creating a `denon` * instance as module: * ```typescript * const denon = new Denon(config); * for await (let event of { * // event handling here * } * ``` */export declare type DenonEventType = | "start" | "reload" | "crash" | "success" | "exit";
export declare type DenonEvent = | DenonStartEvent | DenonReloadEvent | DenonCrashEvent | DenonSuccessEvent | DenonExitEvent;
export declare interface DenonStartEvent { type: "start";}
export declare interface DenonReloadEvent { type: "reload"; change: FileEvent[];}
export declare interface DenonCrashEvent { type: "crash"; status: Deno.ProcessStatus;}
export declare interface DenonSuccessEvent { type: "success"; status: Deno.ProcessStatus;}
export declare interface DenonExitEvent { type: "exit";}
/** Denon instance. * Holds loaded configuration and handles creation * of daemons with the `start(script)` method. */export class Denon { watcher: Watcher; runner: Runner;
constructor(public config: CompleteDenonConfig) { this.watcher = new Watcher(config.watcher); this.runner = new Runner(config, config.args ? config.args.cmd : []); }
run(script: string): AsyncIterable<DenonEvent> { return new Daemon(this, script); }}
/** CLI starts here, * other than the awesome `denon` cli this is an * example on how the library could be used if * included as a module. */if (import.meta.main) { await log.setup();
await grantPermissions();
const args = parseArgs(Deno.args); let config = await readConfig(args.config); await log.setup(config.logger);
config.args = args;
// show help message. if ( { printHelp(VERSION); Deno.exit(0); }
// show version number.`v${VERSION}-${BRANCH}`); if (args.version) Deno.exit(0);
// update denon to latest release if (args.upgrade) { await upgrade(args.upgrade); Deno.exit(0); }
// create configuration file. // TODO(@qu4k): should be made interactive. if (args.init) { await initializeConfig(args.init); Deno.exit(0); }
// show all available scripts. if (args.cmd.length === 0) { printAvailableScripts(config); Deno.exit(0); }
const script = args.cmd[0]; const denon = new Denon(config);
if (config.logger.fullscreen) console.clear();
const conf = log.prefix("conf"); if (config.watcher.match) {`watching path(s): ${config.watcher.match.join(" ")}`); } if (config.watcher.exts) {`watching extensions: ${config.watcher.exts.join(",")}`); }
// TODO(@qu4k): events for await (let event of { if (event.type === "reload") { if ( event.change.some( (_) => reConfig.test(_.path) && _.path === config.configPath, ) ) { config = await readConfig(args.config); logger.debug("reloading config"); } } }}