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πŸ‘€ Monitor any changes in your Deno application and automatically restart.
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// Copyright 2020-present the denosaurs team. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { buildFlags, Script, ScriptObject, ScriptOptions, Scripts,} from "./scripts.ts";
import { merge } from "./merge.ts";
/** `Runner` configuration. * This configuration is, in contrast to other, extended * by `Denon` config as scripts has to be a top level * parameter. */export interface RunnerConfig extends ScriptOptions { scripts: Scripts;}
const reDenoAction = new RegExp(/^(deno +\w+) *(.*)$/);const reCompact = new RegExp( /^'(?:\\'|.)*?\.(ts|js)'|^"(?:\\"|.)*?\.(ts|js)"|^(?:\\ |\S)+\.(ts|js)$/,);const reCliCompact = new RegExp(/^(run|test|fmt|lint) *(.*)$/);
/** Handle all the things related to process management. * Scripts are built into executable commands that are * executed by `` and managed in an `Executable` * object to make available process events. */export class Runner { #config: RunnerConfig; #args: string[];
constructor(config: RunnerConfig, args: string[] = []) { this.#config = config; this.#args = args; }
private cmd(cmd: string[], options: ScriptOptions): Command { const command = { cmd, options, exe: (): Deno.Process => { return this.execute(command); }, }; return command; }
private buildCliCommand(args: string[], global: ScriptOptions): Command { const cmd = args.join(" "); let out: string[]; if (reCompact.test(cmd)) { out = ["deno", "run"]; out = out.concat(stdCmd(cmd)); } else if (reCliCompact.test(cmd)) { out = ["deno"]; out = out.concat(stdCmd(cmd)); } else { out = stdCmd(cmd); } return this.cmd(out, global); // single command }
private buildCommands( script: string | ScriptObject, global: ScriptOptions, args: string[], ): Command[] { if (typeof script === "object") { let options = Object.assign({}, merge(global, script)); return this.buildStringCommands(script.cmd, options, args); }
return this.buildStringCommands(script, global, args); }
public buildStringCommands( script: string, global: ScriptOptions, args: string[], ): Command[] { if (script.includes("&&")) { let commands: Command[] = []; script.split("&&").map((s) => { commands.push(this.buildCommand(s, global, args)); }); return commands; }
return [this.buildCommand(script, global, args)]; }
private buildCommand( cmd: string, options: ScriptOptions, cli: string[], ): Command { let out: string[] = []; cmd = stdCmd(cmd).join(" "); let denoAction = reDenoAction.exec(cmd); if (denoAction && denoAction.length === 3) { const action = denoAction[1]; const args = denoAction[2]; out = out.concat(stdCmd(action)); out = out.concat(buildFlags(options)); if (args) out = out.concat(stdCmd(args)); } else if (reCompact.test(cmd)) { out = ["deno", "run"]; out = out.concat(buildFlags(options)); out = out.concat(stdCmd(cmd)); } else { out = stdCmd(cmd); }
if (cli) out = out.concat(cli); return this.cmd(out, options); // single command }
/** Build the script, in whatever form it is declared in, * to be compatible with ``. * This function add flags, arguments and actions. */ build(script: string): Command[] { // global options const g = Object.assign( { watch: true, // this is a file watcher after all :) }, this.#config, ); g.scripts = {};
const s: Script = this.#config.scripts[script];
if (!s) { if (this.#args.length > 0) { return [this.buildCliCommand(this.#args, g)]; } else { throw new Error("Script does not exist and CLI args are not provided."); } }
let args = this.#args.slice(1);
let commands: Command[] = [];
if (Array.isArray(s)) { s.forEach((ss) => { commands = commands.concat(this.buildCommands(ss, g, args)); }); } else { commands = commands.concat(this.buildCommands(s, g, args)); }
return commands; }
/** Create an `Execution` object to handle the lifetime * of the process that is executed. */ execute(command: Command): Deno.Process { const options = { cmd: command.cmd, env: command.options.env ?? {}, stdin: command.options.stdin ?? "inherit", stdout: command.options.stdout ?? "inherit", stderr: command.options.stderr ?? "inherit", }; return; }}
function stdCmd(cmd: string): string[] { return cmd.trim().replace(/\s\s+/g, " ").split(" ");}
export interface Command { cmd: string[]; options: ScriptOptions; exe: () => Deno.Process;}