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πŸ‘€ Monitor any changes in your Deno application and automatically restart.
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// Copyright 2020-present the denosaurs team. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { deferred, globToRegExp, log, relative, walk, delay } from "../deps.ts";
const logger = log.prefix("path");
/** Represents a change in the filesystem. * Should reflect the Deno.FsEvent. */type FileAction = "any" | "access" | "create" | "modify" | "remove";
/** A file that was changed, created or removed */export interface FileEvent { /** The path of the changed file */ path: string; /** The type of change that occurred */ type: FileAction[];}
/** All of the options for the `watch` generator */export interface WatcherConfig { /** An array of paths to watch */ paths?: string[]; /** The number of milliseconds after the last change */ interval?: number; /** The file extensions that it will scan for */ exts?: string[]; /** The globs that it will scan for */ match?: string[]; /** The globs that it will not scan for */ skip?: string[]; /** Use the legacy file monitoring algorithm */ legacy?: boolean;}
/** Watches for file changes in `paths` path * yielding an array of all of the changes * each time one or more changes are detected. * It is debounced by `interval`, `recursive`, `exts`, * `match` and `skip` are filtering the files which * will yield a change */export class Watcher implements AsyncIterable<FileEvent[]> { #signal = deferred(); #changes: { [key: string]: FileAction[] } = {}; #paths: string[] = [Deno.cwd()]; #interval: number = 350; #exts?: string[] = undefined; #match?: RegExp[] = undefined; #skip?: RegExp[] = undefined; #watch: () => Promise<void> = this.denoWatch; #config: WatcherConfig;
constructor(config: WatcherConfig = {}) { this.#config = config; this.reload(); }
reload(): void { this.#watch = this.#config.legacy ? this.legacyWatch : this.denoWatch; if (this.#config.paths) { this.#paths = this.#config.paths; } if (this.#config.interval) { this.#interval = this.#config.interval; } if (this.#config.exts) { this.#exts = => _.startsWith(".") ? _ : `.${_}` ); } if (this.#config.match) { this.#match = => globToRegExp(_)); } if (this.#config.skip) { this.#skip = => globToRegExp(_)); } }
isWatched(path: string): boolean { path = this.verifyPath(path); logger.debug(`trying to match ${path}`); if (this.#exts?.length && this.#exts?.every((ext) => !path.endsWith(ext))) { logger.debug(`path ${path} does not have right extension`); return false; } else if ( this.#skip?.length && this.#skip?.some((skip) => path.match(skip)) ) { logger.debug(`path ${path} is skipped`); return false; } else if ( this.#match?.length && this.#match?.every((match) => !path.match(match)) ) { logger.debug(`path ${path} is not matched`); return false; } logger.debug(`path ${path} is matched`); return true; }
private reset(): void { this.#changes = {}; this.#signal = deferred(); }
private verifyPath(path: string): string { for (const directory of this.#paths) { const rel = relative(directory, path); if (rel && !rel.startsWith("..")) { path = relative(directory, path); } } return path; }
async *iterate(): AsyncIterator<FileEvent[]> { this.#watch(); while (true) { await this.#signal; yield Object.entries(this.#changes).map(([path, type]) => ({ path, type, })); this.reset(); } }
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<FileEvent[]> { return this.iterate(); }
private async denoWatch(): Promise<void> { let timer = 0; const debounce = () => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(this.#signal.resolve, this.#interval); };
const run = async () => { for await (const event of Deno.watchFs(this.#paths)) { const { kind, paths } = event; for (const path of paths) { if (this.isWatched(path)) { if (!this.#changes[path]) this.#changes[path] = []; this.#changes[path].push(kind); debounce(); } } } }; run(); while (true) { debounce(); await delay(this.#interval); } }
private async legacyWatch(): Promise<void> { let timer = 0; const debounce = () => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(this.#signal.resolve, this.#interval); };
const walkPaths = async () => { const tree: { [path: string]: Date | null } = {}; for (let i in this.#paths) { const action = walk(this.#paths[i], { maxDepth: Infinity, includeDirs: false, followSymlinks: false, exts: this.#exts, match: this.#match, skip: this.#skip, }); for await (const { path } of action) { if (this.isWatched(path)) { const stat = await Deno.stat(path); tree[path] = stat.mtime; } } } return tree; };
let previous = await walkPaths();
while (true) { const current = await walkPaths();
for (const path in previous) { const pre = previous[path]; const post = current[path]; if (pre && !post) { if (!this.#changes[path]) this.#changes[path] = []; this.#changes[path].push("remove"); } else if (pre && post && pre.getTime() !== post.getTime()) { if (!this.#changes[path]) this.#changes[path] = []; this.#changes[path].push("modify"); } }
for (const path in current) { if (!previous[path] && current[path]) { if (!this.#changes[path]) this.#changes[path] = []; this.#changes[path].push("create"); } }
previous = current; debounce(); await delay(this.#interval); } }}