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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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variable spelllang
import { spelllang } from "";

{not available when compiled without the |+syntax| feature} A comma separated list of word list names. When the 'spell' option is on spellchecking will be done for these languages. Example: > set spelllang=en_us,nl,medical < This means US English, Dutch and medical words are recognized. Words that are not recognized will be highlighted. The word list name must consist of alphanumeric characters, a dash or an underscore. It should not include a comma or dot. Using a dash is recommended to separate the two letter language name from a specification. Thus "en-rare" is used for rare English words. A region name must come last and have the form "_xx", where "xx" is the two-letter, lower case region name. You can use more than one region by listing them: "en_us,en_ca" supports both US and Canadian English, but not words specific for Australia, New Zealand or Great Britain. (Note: currently en_au and en_nz dictionaries are older than en_ca, en_gb and en_us). If the name "cjk" is included East Asian characters are excluded from spell checking. This is useful when editing text that also has Asian words. As a special case the name of a .spl file can be given as-is. The first "_xx" in the name is removed and used as the region name (_xx is an underscore, two letters and followed by a non-letter). This is mainly for testing purposes. You must make sure the correct encoding is used, Vim doesn't check it. When 'encoding' is set the word lists are reloaded. Thus it's a good idea to set 'spelllang' after setting 'encoding' to avoid loading the files twice. How the related spell files are found is explained here: |spell-load|.