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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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function terminalprops
import { terminalprops } from "";

Returns a |Dictionary| with properties of the terminal that Vim detected from the response to |t_RV| request. See |v:termresponse| for the response itself. If |v:termresponse| is empty most values here will be 'u' for unknown. cursor_style whether sending |t_RS| works ** cursor_blink_mode whether sending |t_RC| works ** underline_rgb whether |t_8u| works ** mouse mouse type supported ** value 'u' for unknown, 'y' for yes, 'n' for no If the |+termresponse| feature is missing then the result is an empty dictionary. If "cursor_style" is 'y' then |t_RS| will be sent to request the current cursor style. If "cursor_blink_mode" is 'y' then |t_RC| will be sent to request the cursor blink status. "cursor_style" and "cursor_blink_mode" are also set if |t_u7| is not empty, Vim will detect the working of sending |t_RS| and |t_RC| on startup. When "underline_rgb" is not 'y', then |t_8u| will be made empty. This avoids sending it to xterm, which would clear the colors. For "mouse" the value 'u' is unknown Also see:

  • 'ambiwidth' - detected by using |t_u7|.
  • |v:termstyleresp| and |v:termblinkresp| for the response to |t_RS| and |t_RC|.

