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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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variable confirm
import { confirm } from "";

When 'confirm' is on, certain operations that would normally fail because of unsaved changes to a buffer, e.g. ":q" and ":e", instead raise a |dialog| asking if you wish to save the current file(s). You can still use a ! to unconditionally |abandon| a buffer. If 'confirm' is off you can still activate confirmation for one command only (this is most useful in mappings) with the |:confirm| command. Also see the |confirm()| function and the 'v' flag in 'guioptions'.


{ get(denops: Denops): Promise<boolean>; set(denops: Denops, value: boolean): Promise<void>; reset(denops: Denops): Promise<void>; getGlobal(denops: Denops): Promise<boolean>; setGlobal(denops: Denops, value: boolean): Promise<void>; resetGlobal(denops: Denops): Promise<void>; }