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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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function expandcmd
import { expandcmd } from "";

Expand special items in String {string} like what is done for an Ex command such as :edit. This expands special keywords, like with |expand()|, and environment variables, anywhere in {string}. "user" and "/path" are only expanded at the start. The following items are supported in the {options} Dict argument: errmsg If set to TRUE, error messages are displayed if an error is encountered during expansion. By default, error messages are not displayed. Returns the expanded string. If an error is encountered during expansion, the unmodified {string} is returned. Example: :echo expandcmd('make %<.o') make /path/runtime/doc/builtin.o :echo expandcmd('make %<.o', {'errmsg': v:true}) Can also be used as a |method|: GetCommand()->expandcmd()


denops: Denops
string: unknown
options: unknown

