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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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import * as denopsStd from "";


The result is a String, which is whatever the user typed on the command-line. The {prompt} argument is either a prompt string, or a blank string (for no prompt). A '\n' can be used in the prompt to start a new line. The highlighting set with |:echohl| is used for the prompt. The input is entered just like a command-line, with the same editing commands and mappings. There is a separate history for lines typed for input(). Example: :if input("Coffee or beer? ") == "beer" : echo "Cheers!" :endif

{textlist} must be a |List| of strings. This |List| is displayed, one string per line. The user will be prompted to enter a number, which is returned. The user can also select an item by clicking on it with the mouse, if the mouse is enabled in the command line ('mouse' is "a" or includes "c"). For the first string 0 is returned. When clicking above the first item a negative number is returned. When clicking on the prompt one more than the length of {textlist} is returned. Make sure {textlist} has less than 'lines' entries, otherwise it won't work. It's a good idea to put the entry number at the start of the string. And put a prompt in the first item. Example: let color = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red', \ '2. green', '3. blue'])

Restore typeahead that was saved with a previous |inputsave()|. Should be called the same number of times inputsave() is called. Calling it more often is harmless though. Returns TRUE when there is nothing to restore, FALSE otherwise.

Preserve typeahead (also from mappings) and clear it, so that a following prompt gets input from the user. Should be followed by a matching inputrestore() after the prompt. Can be used several times, in which case there must be just as many inputrestore() calls. Returns TRUE when out of memory, FALSE otherwise.

This function acts much like the |input()| function with but two exceptions: a) the user's response will be displayed as a sequence of asterisks ("*") thereby keeping the entry secret, and b) the user's response will not be recorded on the input |history| stack. The result is a String, which is whatever the user actually typed on the command-line in response to the issued prompt. NOTE: Command-line completion is not supported.