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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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function maparg
import { maparg } from "";

When {dict} is omitted or zero: Return the rhs of mapping {name} in mode {mode}. The returned String has special characters translated like in the output of the ":map" command listing. When {dict} is TRUE a dictionary is returned, see below. To get a list of all mappings see maplist().

When there is no mapping for {name}, an empty String is returned if {dict} is FALSE, otherwise returns an empty Dict. When the mapping for {name} is empty, then "<Nop>" is returned.

The {name} can have special key names, like in the ":map" command.

{mode} can be one of these strings: "n" Normal "v" Visual (including Select) "o" Operator-pending "i" Insert "c" Cmd-line "s" Select "x" Visual "l" langmap language-mapping "t" Terminal-Job "" Normal, Visual and Operator-pending When {mode} is omitted, the modes for "" are used.

When {abbr} is there and it is TRUE use abbreviations instead of mappings.

When {dict} is there and it is TRUE return a dictionary containing all the information of the mapping with the following items: "lhs" The {lhs} of the mapping as it would be typed "lhsraw" The {lhs} of the mapping as raw bytes "lhsrawalt" The {lhs} of the mapping as raw bytes, alternate form, only present when it differs from "lhsraw" "rhs" The {rhs} of the mapping as typed. "silent" 1 for a :map-silent mapping, else 0. "noremap" 1 if the {rhs} of the mapping is not remappable. "script" 1 if mapping was defined with <script>. "expr" 1 for an expression mapping (:map-<expr>). "buffer" 1 for a buffer local mapping (:map-local). "mode" Modes for which the mapping is defined. In addition to the modes mentioned above, these characters will be used: " " Normal, Visual and Operator-pending "!" Insert and Commandline mode (mapmode-ic) "sid" The script local ID, used for <sid> mappings (<SID>). "scriptversion" The version of the script. 999999 for Vim9 script. "lnum" The line number in "sid", zero if unknown. "nowait" Do not wait for other, longer mappings. (:map-<nowait>). "abbr" True if this is an abbreviation abbreviations. "mode_bits" Vim's internal binary representation of "mode". mapset() ignores this; only "mode" is used. See maplist() for usage examples. The values are from src/vim.h and may change in the future.

The dictionary can be used to restore a mapping with mapset().

The mappings local to the current buffer are checked first, then the global mappings. This function can be used to map a key even when it's already mapped, and have it do the original mapping too. Sketch:

exe 'nnoremap <Tab> ==' .. maparg('<Tab>', 'n')

Can also be used as a method:



denops: Denops
name: unknown
mode: unknown
abbr: unknown
dict: unknown


Promise<string | Record<string, unknown>>