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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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interface Mapping
import { type Mapping } from "";


mode: Mode

Modes for which the mapping is defined

lhs: string

The {lhs} of the mapping

rhs: string

The {rhs} of the mapping as typed

noremap: boolean

True if the {rhs} of the mapping is not remappable

script: boolean

True if mapping was defined with

buffer: boolean

True for a buffer local mapping

sid: number

The script local ID, used for mappings This attribute is missing if the Mapping is returned from list()

lnum: number

The line number in "sid", zero if unknown This attribute is missing if the Mapping is returned from list()

expr: boolean

True for an expression mapping This attribute is missing if the Mapping is returned from list()

nowait: boolean

Do not wait for other, longer mappings This attribute is missing if the Mapping is returned from list()

silent: boolean

True for a :map-silent mapping, else False This attribute is missing if the Mapping is returned from list()