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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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function nvim_eval_statusline
import { nvim_eval_statusline } from "";

Evaluates statusline string.

Attributes: api-fast


  • {str} Statusline string (see 'statusline').
  • {opts} Optional parameters. - winid: (number) window-ID of the window to use as context for statusline. - maxwidth: (number) Maximum width of statusline. - fillchar: (string) Character to fill blank spaces in the statusline (see 'fillchars'). Treated as single-width even if it isn't. - highlights: (boolean) Return highlight information. - use_winbar: (boolean) Evaluate winbar instead of statusline. - use_tabline: (boolean) Evaluate tabline instead of statusline. When true, {winid} is ignored. Mutually exclusive with {use_winbar}. - use_statuscol_lnum: (number) Evaluate statuscolumn for this line number instead of statusline.

Return: Dictionary containing statusline information, with these keys: - str: (string) Characters that will be displayed on the statusline. - width: (number) Display width of the statusline. - highlights: Array containing highlight information of the statusline. Only included when the "highlights" key in {opts} is true. Each element of the array is a Dictionary with these keys: - start: (number) Byte index (0-based) of first character that uses the highlight. - group: (string) Name of highlight group.


denops: Denops
str: unknown
opts: unknown

