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πŸ“š Standard module for denops.vim
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interface NvimOpenWinConfig
import { type NvimOpenWinConfig } from "";


| "editor"
| "win"
| "cursor"
| "mouse"

Sets the window layout to "floating", placed at (row,col) coordinates relative to:

  • "editor" The global editor grid
  • "win" Window given by the win field, or current window.
  • "cursor" Cursor position in current window.
  • "mouse" Mouse position
win: number

window-ID for relative="win"

| "NW"
| "NE"
| "SW"
| "SE"

Decides which corner of the float to place at (row,col):

  • "NW" northwest (default)
  • "NE" northeast
  • "SW" southwest
  • "SE" southeast
width: number

Window width (in character cells). Minimum of 1.

height: number

Window height (in character cells). Minimum of 1.

bufpos: readonly [number, number]

Places float relative to buffer text (only when relative="win"). Takes a tuple of zero-indexed [line, column]. row and col if given are applied relative to this position, else they default to:

  • row=1 and col=0 if anchor is "NW" or "NE"
  • row=0 and col=0 if anchor is "SW" or "SE" (thus like a tooltip near the buffer text).
row: number

Row position in units of "screen cell height", may be fractional.

col: number

Column position in units of "screen cell width", may be fractional.

focusable: boolean

Enable focus by user actions (wincmds, mouse events). Defaults to true. Non-focusable windows can be entered by nvim_set_current_win().

external: boolean

GUI should display the window as an external top-level window. Currently accepts no other positioning configuration together with this.

zindex: number

Stacking order. floats with higher zindex go on top on floats with lower indices. Must be larger than zero. The following screen elements have hard-coded z-indices:

  • 100: insert completion popupmenu
  • 200: message scrollback
  • 250: cmdline completion popupmenu (when wildoptions+=pum) The default value for floats are 50. In general, values below 100 are recommended, unless there is a good reason to overshadow builtin elements.
style: "minimal"

Configure the appearance of the window. Currently only takes one non-empty value:

  • "minimal" Nvim will display the window with many UI options disabled. This is useful when displaying a temporary float where the text should not be edited. Disables 'number', 'relativenumber', 'cursorline', 'cursorcolumn', 'foldcolumn', 'spell' and 'list' options. 'signcolumn' is changed to auto and 'colorcolumn' is cleared. 'statuscolumn' is changed to empty. The end-of-buffer region is hidden by setting eob flag of 'fillchars' to a space char, and clearing the hl-EndOfBuffer region in 'winhighlight'.
| "none"
| "single"
| "double"
| "rounded"
| "solid"
| "shadow"
| BorderArray

Style of (optional) window border. This can either be a string or an array. The string values are

  • "none": No border (default).
  • "single": A single line box.
  • "double": A double line box.
  • "rounded": Like "single", but with rounded corners ("β•­" etc.).
  • "solid": Adds padding by a single whitespace cell.
  • "shadow": A drop shadow effect by blending with the background.
  • If it is an array, it should have a length of eight or any divisor of eight. The array will specifify the eight chars building up the border in a clockwise fashion starting with the top-left corner. As an example, the double box style could be specified as [ "β•”", "═" ,"β•—", "β•‘", "╝", "═", "β•š", "β•‘" ]. If the number of chars are less than eight, they will be repeated. Thus an ASCII border could be specified as [ "/", "-", "\", "|" ], or all chars the same as [ "x" ]. An empty string can be used to turn off a specific border, for instance, [ "", "", "", ">", "", "", "", "<" ] will only make vertical borders but not horizontal ones. By default, FloatBorder highlight is used, which links to WinSeparator when not defined. It could also be specified by character: [ ["+", "MyCorner"], ["x", "MyBorder"] ].
title: string | readonly [string, string]

Title (optional) in window border, String or list. List is [text, highlight] tuples. if is string the default highlight group is FloatTitle.

title_pos: "left" | "center" | "right"

Title position must set with title option. value can be of left center right default is left.

noautocmd: boolean

If true then no buffer-related autocommand events such as BufEnter, BufLeave or BufWinEnter may fire from calling this function.